1862 May 31 near the Chickahominy

[from the diary of Jonathan Hager of the 14th U.S. Regulars, as copied and annotated at a later date]

May 31  Saturday–While lounging away the hours
to day towards the afternoon heavy firing
of cannon & musquetry was heard a short
distance in front.  This was the famous battle
of Fair oaks.  The noise was tremendous
and as we expected we got orders to move
in that direction.  The entire division of
regulars was soon ready and we marched
towards Woodbury’s bridge on the Chickahominy
where the firing seemed to be.  We halted a
little below Dr Gaines’ House from where the
bursting of shells could be distinctly seen
& heard.  We stayed here till night and as the
darkness came on could see the flashes of
light from the shells as they burst in the air.
We were not wanted however and after dark
we returned to Camp.  Orders were issued to
be up at early dawn next day and be in
readiness for a move,

MSS 9044 

1862 May 30 Clarke County, Va.

[from the diary of Matthella Page Harrison as transcribed at a later date]

Friday May 30

Oh how can I write the mournful fact that our country has again been polluted by the Yankees.  The morning dawned as beautiful as any of our freedom.  Before breakfast Mr. Charles Rust came saying eleven thousand Yankees were in Paris and Upperville but we did not apprehend their immediate appearance, hoping the river would be a tedious barrier to overcome. Liz went out riding in the neighborhood, brother Archie to Berryville.  Between twelve and one there was a cry raised that Millwood was filled with Yankees.  Fez hurried on his soldier’s accourtrements and rode quietly across the fields, followed by Jacob on another horse in case the new one did not answer.  I mounted Tom on a horse and sent off brother Archie’s saddle bags.  Oh misery, misery.  Are we to be incarcerated again?  After hiding everything I thought northern thieves might take a fancy to, I went back to Linden where from the window we could see them racing over the fields.  Soon we saw the White Post road darkening with them.  Thinking one company might be scouring the country I began counting them, but they came so fast and we were so numerous I soon gave up in despair.  They had five baggage waggons.  Our hearts became heavy within us.  We laid down and tried to sleep away the present care. While at dinner it was announced they were all coming back.  I ran over home expecting to be called on and, determined to resist, I got the pistol and sat at the door.  Soon they came dashing n.  Some rode into the church yard and looked into the windows.  One pulled down the fence and jumped into the woods adjoining, rode along back of the stable and got over into the field just where Fez had gone.  I feared for him for Jacob had just come racing back and announced that he was at Cousin Burwell’s in company with Cousin Nat.  They stopped Jacob and he told them was going for the doctor.  They said doctors were not needed now, people would have to get well without them.  He came here, left his horse and tried to walk across the fields to Cousin Burwell’s but was sent back. They got safely off however.  Cousin Hugh Nelson was coming to Millwood in full uniform, not expecting to see any soldiers but ours.  He rode up to
the Federal party and saluted them.  Finding his mistake he turned and ran.  They fired at  him three times without effect.  He got safely to Winchester.  They also chased Cousin Nat some distance.  One of them rode close by me while I stood on the step, bowed to me, which salutation I did not returned but only grasped my pistol tighter, feeling as if I could let him feel it.  My poor brothers only resting at home for a few short days and chased away by these vile wretches.  He rode into the stable and looked in, then pulled down the fence and went to the Linden garden ad asked Uncle Harry if any Confederate soldiers were about.  Though in a body of some thousand strong, they are such cowards hat one rode up the road with his pistol in hand cocked.  Tonight we hear that Front Royal with all our stores and horses are again in their hands.  We had only parts of two regiments there which were very much cut to pieces.  It is said that the prisoners, stores and wounded are being moved from Winchester.  Jackson is on the Maryland Heights. Tom overtook brother Archie nearly at Charles Town.   I am so sorry I did not send his blanket.  I am uneasy about him, fearing he will have rheumatism  again.  Oh, it is a dreadful thing to have the cup of freedom dashed to the ground when we thought it almost to our lips. I still cling to the idea and hope of Davis being a good man, fitted for the responsible station he holds.  Personal ambition I fear is at war with his real policy and love for his country.  Some secret influence seems to drag him from the right.  He seems to feel himself the ruler alone, not the servant of the people.  Republicans pay their officers to serve them and not to rule despotically.  Alas our new wine, when will it find fitly vessels?  the principal of right must be very strong in our little new republic to stand the many downfalls to our hopes.  the destruction of the Merrimac, what a blow it was just after her brilliant exploits had been heralded through the land.  the government clapt an extinguisher upon her when they sent old Tatnal to take command of her.  It seems so very strange to take the oldest officer in the service to command anything so new and wonderful.  The new wine in the old bottle made a great crash.  I mean to liken the principle to the old bottle not the man.  Oh for a good, honest, simple republican government, but I fear there will have to be many severe explosions before the new wine is bottled for age.

MSS 9759

1862 May 30 Hopewell, Ala

May 30th  1862

Dear master

I received yours written
the first of may but as I had
just written to you I did not answer
it.  I was very glad to hear from
you,and to hear that you were well.
This leaves us in the injoyment of
our usual health.  we have had
very little wickness this Spring–
The weather has been very good
since I wrote to you last we had
a good rain last night which
was needed for the crops.
I am geting along clothing the people
very well.  I hope I will be able to
keep them from suffering.
Etter is geting along very well
with the garden–we are going to
have a plenty of Tomatoes, peppers,
cabbage, and different kind of vegetables

[page 2]
We have not heard from Mr Powell
very lately, but we expect him down
next week.  he told me when he was
down here that he had written to
you to hire Maria to take the
place of sister Mary.  I am willing
to part with maria for the sake of
my mother as she is old and
has no child of her own to help her.
but when Betsey is sold, it will be
hard for me to give them both up.
Mr. Powell wrote us that master
Charles would be out here very
soon but we have seen nothing of
him as yet.  I would be very glad to see
him.  Miss Fanny Avery is married
to the Rev. Mr Cobb, pastor of the
Episcopal Church in Greensboro
he is a son of the old Bishop.
There is twenty one Fig trees in the
garden that are bareing and nine
out in the fence corners  I will
now bring my letter to a close.  L Skipwith

Lucy Skipwith, a slave of General John Hartwell Cock, and trusted by  him to manage the big house and her fellow slaves on his Hopewell, Ala., plantation.  Her letter of October 28 mentions Betsy having given birth to a white baby, but is unclear as to the exact reason Cocke decides to sell her. Lucy did intercede on behalf of fellow slaves on the plantation.

Richard Hooker Cobbs, son of Nicholas Hamner Cobbs married Fanny Avery

MSS 640

1862 May 30 Fort Albany

Fort Albany May 30th/62
Dear Wife

                I have just now received
a letter from you dated May 16th
I was very glad to get it, of course, as
anything and everything, at any and all
times is always welcome.  I think I
can account for its delay. The Post
Mark bears the date. Boston. May 28th/62
I think you must have given it to
Fitzwilliam to post for you in Boston
and he kept it in his pocket, forgetting
all about it.  You will recollect the letter
when I tell you Mary Abigail & Aunt
Eunice call to see you and bothered
you about making a loaf of cake for
the box.  You must praise F. G. for
his thoughtfulness of the “Poor Soldier
who is fighting for him and his country.
I received a letter from you day before
yesterday (May 28) I think you must
have been in a very troubled state of

[page 2]
when you wrote that letter, and I
suppose you thought you had cause to
be, the Gov’s proclamation, soldiers going
to Boston, bells ringing, rebels marching
on to Washington and all sorts of
stories agoing.  I do’nt blame you for
being a little scared,  “We did’nt see it
on the contrary, we had one of the
best days that we have had since we
arrived here, it was pay-day for the
Regmt and everybody was in the best
of humor, T’is true, we made some little
preparation to give the enemy a warm
reception if he made his appearance,
but, I dont think there was a man in
the Regt, that thought he would, and,
I dont think there was scarcely a man
here, but wished he would, so it’s all
blown over now and the excitement,
(what little there was,) I am happy to say,
for your sake, and all friends at  home,
has entirely subsided.  When we hear from
McClelan at Richmond, then will be excitement.

[page 3]

                                  6 1/2 o’clock P.M. 30th
We have had it very hot the most of the day, but
this afternoon, we had a a [sic] glorious shower
that cooled the air, and laid the dirt,
and made the vegatation look very beauti-
ful, put us all in good spirits, and made
a decided improvement in everything I
think,  I am enjoying first rate health.
and so is the whole of the Co. with one
or two exceptions, Co L. the company
that came here with us from Boston
(you  recollect,) has removed from here, to
Fort Barnard, it is about two miles from
here, towards Georgetown, they went yest-
erday, it is a very pleasant fort, and just
as healthy as here, Capt. Draper’s Co. also
removed from Fort Runyon, to Fort Rich-
ardson, yesterday, which is about half a
mile from here,  I think the Co as a gene-
ral thing were very glad to get away from
Fort Runyon, for it was situated in low
wet land, close to the Potomac, near the end
of Long Bridge, and was very unhealthy there,

[page 4]
It is getting to be rather dark to write much
more now, but maybe this evening or tomo-
rrow morning I can scribble a few lines
more, if I dont, why I’ll just say now
keep up good heart and spirits for if you
do’nt, why, I shall have to scold you when
I come home, because I expect to have
some good times with you and the
children, yet, much better than I have
ever yet enjoyed, not saying you know
but that we have had some very excellent
times in days gone by,  A good night
Kiss for you and the children, and love
to Father and Mother, God bless and
preserve you all is the sincere prayer
of your loving husband,

Unidentified soldier int he 14th Massachusetts Heavy Artillery

MSS 1242

1862 May 29 Charlestown, Virginia

                            Thursday May 29, 1862
              Bivouack of the Rockbridge Artillery 1st Brigade.A.V.
              at Charlestown, Jefferson co. Virginia
Mrs. Wm. M. Blackford–Lynchburg

                                                           from Winchester

                                           I wrote you a short letter ^
on Sunday advising you of my safety in the battle of that
morning I hope it reached you duly.  I also sent a Tele-
gram down to Staunton to provide against the letter’s
not reaching you.  It mentioned the safety of Berkeley & myself
with others known to you.  I desire now to take up the
narrative of my daily journeyings discontinued on the 11th
Since then, owing to our combined moving and manifold dis-
tractions I have been wholly unable to write at length.
Even now my accounts must be somewhat meagre.
On Sunday morning, the 11th, the time of dispatching my last long
letter to you from a point 14 miles below Franklin in Pendleton co.,
we made an early start and moved on toward Pendleton Franklin.
I was unable to walk that day owing to a sore on my ancle
and so rode in one of our wagons a little in the rear.
Within a couple of miles of the village the train halted and we
had a little artillery & other skirmishing in the front where
the enemy had assumed a strong position: one or two of
our rifled guns were employed but not a half dozen
shots fired in all on our side.  We bivouacked in a mea-
dow that night and were roused and ordered to be
in readiness for immediate moving at a very early hour
Monday morning; as we all believed for an engagement, prob-
ably a general one.  Accordingly at a very timely interval before
sunrise the men had breakfasted, packed their things and the
wagons gone to the rear , they men stretched on the grass
around the fires awaiting the call which all expected wd.
be to take our positions for operation on the Enemy’s lines.
After an hour or two orders were given to take out the horses
-or rather unhitch them from guns and caissons and allow
them to graze in the meadow.  This did not look like fighting,
but we were further reassured that our anticipation had
not been correct by a circular coming around from the Division
Hd.Qrs. which was ordered to be read to all the troops.

[page 2]
It was pretty much as follows–though I quote only from memory
“Soldiers of the Armies of the Valley and NorthWest–I congrat-
ulate you on your recent victory at McDowell x x x and invite
you to join with me in returning thanks therefore to the
Giver of all Victory x x x Services will be held by the Chaplain
of the several regiments of this command to day at 10 A. M.
(signed) T. J. Jackson–Major General commanding.”
The contrast between this order and the one we expected was about
as wide as that between the cruel work of war and the
mild and gentle offices of the religion of Christ.  A notice
for preaching instead of Gen. Winder’s adjt. directing that
“Capt. Poague will take his battery and assume a position
to be designated on the front!”  The men listened with
becoming respect to the ‘invitation’ of our excellent Major Genl.
and were not displeased to receive it instead of the order
to fight, though to say sooth it was not as fully complied
with as such a one would have been, albeit the attendance
was good in the services.  For our own and several other cos.
of artillery who had as Chaplain the Generals’ own Adjutant
Major (Rev. R. L. ) Dabney (D.D.) was kind enough to preach. Gen.
Jackson attended this service and as usual stood up all
the time (there being nothing but the ground to sit on) with
his hat off, and looking as fixed and motionless as a statue.
He stood near the outside of the congregation so as to be
ready to go off without much ado if his presence was
needed and be summoned. Just as we assembled we heard
the report of several of the Enemy’s cannon withing 2
miles of us just across the ridge that separated us from them.
The meadow in which we were was a rather narrow
one flanked by mountains on either side: at the foot
of one of these ranges ran a pretty little mountain river.
The mountain sides were covered with beautiful ver-
dure in its spring aspect, and the same valley extended
for many miles toward Monterey, a little widening in
that direction.  In the lower part of it, near Franklin
–i.e. for several miles above Franklin the mountainsides
were fleeced in smoke, the Enemy having fired the woods
to cover their retreat.

[the next 6 pages of this letter are missing.  The following pages, 9 and 10 may be the conclusion to it]

The men were hurried on without the rests usually
accorded at moderate intervals, and early in the af-
ternoon the road was for miles in the rear
strewn with broken down men from different Brigades
waiting to revive their exhausted energies.  Formerly this
was not uncommon, bot of late Gen. Jackson has greatly
improved the discipline of his army in this respect and now
straggling is comparatively rare except on weighty reasons,
I suffered myself greatly from fatigue as I did not get over
2 miles riding the whole day, and being unwell had but little
appetite and could not keep up my strength by eating,
though I had plenty in my haversack. The march for the
1st Brigade was uneventful as we were the rearmost but one
or two. At different times during the day our exhausted ener-
gies were revived by the assurance from some officer that a
surprise was intended for the enemy, that it promised to
be a complete one, and that everything depended on the men
pressing on.  And this our brave fellows did right heartily.
In the afternoon when within 6 or 8 miles of Front Royal our two
Parrott guns were sent on to the front but they were not used
I believe at all, and all the glory of the day fell into the hands
of the advance troops who were in the march a half day
or day ahead of us.  I do not undertake therefore to give
you the details of the affair there, of which you are already
apprised through the newspapers quite as fully as I could
make you.  There was but a small force a few regiments
only, of the enemy–and they were completely surprised
They did not make a very vigorous resistance, I judge, though
I am informed they fought gallantly for a while. The Infantry
chiefly engaged on their side was the 1st Md. Regt., and on
ours it was too that gallant little 1st Md., whose name is
the synonym for pluck and gall bravery throughout our army.
The Tory Regiment was taken prisoner almost to a man, at least
so it appeared, with all the field officers: their capture was
effected ultimately by the cavalry in pursuit, though the glory
of it largely attached to the Confederate Regiment of 1st Md. Infantry.

[page 10]
Our cavalry was particularly efficient in the affair about Front
Royal and suffered considerably–They were opposed in cavalry
engagement to the 1st Mich. Regt. which seems to have been badly
worsted, as they generally are when opposed to our men of that arm
Capt Sheets of the 7th Va. Cavalry (Ashby’s) the most eminent
and useful officer in the command next to the distinguished
head, and Capt. Fletcher, another fine officer, were killed.
The Rappahannock Cavalry, numbering not over 35 made a charge
in which 10 were killed of that number, among them my
fried Philip B. Field, of Culpeper, son to the Judge.  this pained me
greatly, as he was a young man of fine promise.   He was one of
those converted at Greenwood in march 1859, during the religious
awakening there in Mr Dinwiddie’s school, and was confirmed
in Charlottesville the following June the same time with C. L. C.
and Berkeley Minor.  My acquaintance with him began at this
interesting period and during the next year while he was at school
and I at the University I saw him frequently, as I had done less
often since.  It had always gratified me much to notice the
continued interest he maintained in religion, and to learn that
he held fast his profession.  I trust he now enjoys “the substance
of things hoped for” during his brief  Christian course.  I was informed
of his death Saturday morning by his brother Wm. G. Field, Jr., an old
college-mate of mine, and a man I always liked, though not a pious one.
He was struck several times himself and slightly wounded, but
appeared chiefly concerned about his brother to whom he was much
attached.  Friday night the whole army camped about a
mile or two Winchester side of Front Royal.  We did not pass
through the town until after dark, and did not finally
settle in camp until a very late hour.  I leave the con-
clusion of my narrative for my next letter; I regret very
much to have gotten so much behind hand but it was
unavoidable.  The same reason prevents my noticing more
particularly the contents of your letters, whose receipt I have
lately done little more than acknowledge.  I prize them none the
less however for this, and thank you for them most heartily.

Your affectionate son L[ancelot] M[inor] Blackford

University of Virginia alumnus Lancelot Minor Blackford, 1837-1914, was later the beloved principal of Episcopal High School in Alexandria, Va., for over 40 years.

MSS 5088

1862 May 30 New York

No 6, State Street,
New York, May 30, 1862

Dear Sir,

I inclose, herewith, an account
against the US for the rent of a large Wharf Boat,
which was taken possession of at Paducah, on the 6th day
of September last, by direction, ( I suppose,) of Genl. Grant.
Will you do me the favor to ask the General
to authorize Capt. Turnley, A.Q. Master at Cairo,
(where this Boat is now in the service of the Subsistence
Department,) to ^ the account referred to above.–With my
Kindest regards to the General, I am yours truly,
A.D. Steuart.

To Capt. Wm Hillyer,
Aid-de-Camp to
Major Genl. US Grant,
US Volunteers, Savan-
a, Tennessee

MSS 10645

1862 May 30 near Richmond, Va.

[written on patriotic stationery featuring a vignette of General P.G.T. Bearuregard]

May 30th 1862

              Camp Near Richmond
               Henry Co County VA

             Dear Father and Mother
         I take the present opertunity
   of dropping you a few
lines to let you know that I
am well at presint
hopeing when theas few lines may
find you injoying the same
Blessing I have know news of
importance to write you
the company air all well
I received your letter yesterday
evening I was glad to here
from you I wrote you a letter
a few days ago
but I Reckon you have not
got it yet  I have had
my health Better since I
have been In several them

[page 2]
I ever did before
General Jackson has gained a
Glorious ^ at Winchester we have
taken abowt four thousand
prisoners besids a great qantity
of comissarys stores Ordinance
department and medical stores
the enemy is completely
routed he is now on the
Maryland line it is rumared
that he has landed in that st
state our losses was one
hundred killed an won wounded
and missing general McClellen
is with drawing his forces
and if this Be the case there
will be no fight here
Our ^soldiers air in fine
spirits there was a heavy
skirmish near Oru our camp

[page 3]

                      the other evning
we whiped the rascals
we dont Fear any enemy that
can be brought be fore us
we trust in God that we air
fighting in a glorious cause
a soldiers life is a harde life
to live to live some times we
haf to lay o[u]t all night in the
mud and watter water
and it and it rainig verry hard
and no shelter for the poor
soldier we air fair verry well
now we drill twice a day
you wrote to me to know if I
wanted any clothing or not
I dond any I am truly
to you for your kind offer
I hope the time aint far
distant in untill peace will

[page 4]
spread ovr the land and
we can all come home
Now I must bring theas few
lines to close Give my best
to all the friends
the oftener you write to me
I will write to you
give my love to the children
So nothing more
Only remain your
affectionate Son untill death
write soon Direct you
letters Richmond Va Co. K
28 Regiment Va Vol

James B. Painter

MSS 10661

1862 May 30

[from the diary of Frank C. Fitzhugh of Cutshaw’s battery]

May                          Friday  30                                       1856
Commenced our retreat
towards Staunton
Passed through Winchester
& traveled 15 miles

[transcript by Mary Roy Dawson Edwards]

MSS 4448

1862 May 30 before Richmond, Va.

[from the diary of Jonathan Hager of the 14th U.S. Regulars, as copied and annotated at a later date]

May 30  Friday   This morning was intensely, excee
dingly hot & useless duty required very few
ventured beyond their bowers. Such heat we
thought must soon be followed by a storm &
in the afternoon we caught it in all its grandeur.
The thunder and lightning was awful almost
beyond conception & the rain fell in torrents.
The tents of the officers of the 14th being on
the left of the brigade & the ground descending
from the right brought the water down in a
perfect river.  Nearly every tent was flooded
but mine.  Mine was perfectly dry and I
indulged in a little tantalizing amusement
at the rest who were out with spades & shovels
digging & ditching to turn the water off.
This morning I went foraging with my
Contraband.  I wanted some pease for dinner
& heard there were some almost a mile away
across Gaines Mill Pond.  I found the house
& bought a peck of peas for a dollar and a
dozen young onions for 50 cents, and offered
the woman a five dollar greenback to be
changed.  But this she wouldn’t take.  She said
it wouldn’t buy anything in Richmond.
I told her in my innocence that by the time
she got to Richmond it would buy anything
She didn’t believe it. I was about to give
up the peas painful as it was when I remem-
bered I had a $20 gold piece in my purse
I gave her this & she gave me the change in
gold & silver  Poor woman, her husband
was in the rebel army & all the slaves had
left her except one old man and a small
boy & the growing crop to take care of. Her
future did not look bright & she knew it,
yet she was rebellious in her feelings.
We heard to day of the evacuation of
Corinth and esteemed it good news. We
little thought what a serious effect it would
yet have upon us or we would have grieved
& not rejoiced.

MSS 9044