1861 July 27 Fairfax Station [Virginia]

My darling Jennie

I have recd your letters by David and learn that
Ned has gone home to Fincastle. I am deeply & severely
grieved that your father is so unkind & that your so much
disatisfied–At present I can do nothing. I can neither
go to you nor can you come to me I am 12 miles
from post office or any sort of public conveyance
So soon as the bridges on the road are repaired
I hope it will be better and you & the children
can come to see me if I cant get to see you–I
am determined to go up to see you so soon as the
leave can be obtained which I fear will be
some time–I hope the children are all well by
this time–They had a great alarm in Harrisonburg
on Sunday last from a report that the enimy
with 500 negroes was advancing on the place
Mrs. Mary Hineberger & Mrs Colt [?] were so alarmed that
they subsequently died–I am glad you were not
there & hope you can stay at Gordonsville until
I can make some arrangement to move you
nearer to me–which I will do as soon as
I can–I enclose to you the official Report of

[page 2]
our Brigade in the action of Sunday made by
Genl Elzy–You will see from it that we
all behave[d?] gallantly-take care of it and
pursue it carefully. I want to have it
published. I send this by Lieut Cowherd who
goes to Richmond

Yours very Affectionately
E.T.H. Warren

Mary Heneberger, wife of Andrew Ellis Heneberger, 1825-1861

Lieut Edwin Festus Cowherd, Company C. of the 13th Va.

[annotations by John P. Mann IV]

Fourth Regiment Virginia Volunteers and later Colonel of the 10th Virginia Infantry.

MSS 7786-g

1861 July 27 Richmond [Virginia]

My dear Mother

Through the undeserved
mercy of Almighty God, I have been
sustained & borne almost unharmed
through danger as great as mortal
man ever witnessed, and am now
able to inform you of my safety.
You have no doubt heard more of the
great battle than I could possibly
tell you now, as it would be impossible
for me to give you all the information
which wld be interesting to you other-
wise than orally, so I will defer talking
about the grand providential victory
till we meet–I was wounded about
3 oclk & after dragging along for about
a mile through the assistance of
Tom Godwin & some other kind friends
was enable to get in a wagon, in

[page 2]
which I rode to Manassas Junction
a distance of 4 or 5 miles–There Tom
Godwin got me placed in a crowded
boxcar where I spent the night.
On the next morning John Luster
& John Watson & others got me placed
in the baggage car of a train coming
to Richmond. In the car with me
were about a dozen wounded officers
& men–We were about 18 hours on
the way & suffered a good deal &
arrived at R about 11 oclock at night.
a gentleman named Bell went up to
Uncle Josephs a mile or two from the
Depot & informed them of my condition,
but in the meantime, I was kindly invited
by a Mr Harvie, who had another wounded
man with him, to go to his house which
was nearer than uncle J’s. I accepted his
invitation, as his family were ready to receive
& attend to wounded men & I didn’t wish to
arouse & keep awake all night uncle J’s family,
who were totaly unexpecting, & unprepared for
persons or a person in my condition–

[page 3]
I received the kindest treatment
from Mr Harvie & family
Uncle Joe heard of me about 12 oclk
at night & ordered his carriage &
came after me. He found me at
Mr Harvies & immediately went
in his carriage & brought Doctor
Cunningham–He came after me
again with Dr Archer on the next
morning & took me to his house
Aunt Sallie, cousin Kate & the whole family
have been very kind to me–I only
fear I never will be able to return
it–I am quite well. Have an ex-
cellent appetite, & my wound though
at times painful, is getting better–
Our poor company has been very much
afflicted. Its dead are William Paxton, viz
(poor Calvin), bill, Bradley, Brooks
who died with fever of the brain & two
others whose names I havent learned
No death will cause more sorrow, no loss,
has been greater to his country & his friends
than the death & loss of poor Wm Paxton=

[page 4]
But I hope his gallant name
will be remembered by a grateful
country & will shine as a bright
example to his comrades acquain-
tances–“Falling ere he saw the star of
his country rise,” pouring out his gallant
hearts blood in her cause, he cannot
be forgotten & Eddy Mitchell is
safe–I saw him only for a
few minutes at Gordonsville–
He was very [?] but very well–
Tell dear Anna to cheer up–All
is coming right after a while & then
our homes will be the more happy
because they have once been so sad-
I long to see you all–Hope to be
home in a week or ten days.
Much love to every body–
Your son
W. Alex. Anderson

William Alexander Anderson, 1842-1930, was a lawyer and politician, Attorney General of Virginia, and Rector of Washington and Lee University, 1914-1923, and member of its Board of Trustees from 1884 until his death. While a student at Washington College (now Washington and Lee University), he served in the Liberty Hall Volunteers as an orderly sergeant during the beginning of the Civil War, April 1861. He was seriously wounded at First Manassas on July 21, 1861, as part of the Stonewall Brigade, Company I, 4th Virginia Infantry. After being discharged, he entered the University of Virginia in 1863 and received his law degree in 1866.

MSS 2692

1861 July 26 Camp 13th Regt, Co. D

My dear Lute:

Various are the complaints of human nature

and especially so in these times of dangerous warfare. What

passing strange results upon a mans whole physical

constitution are wrought about by the mental imagina-

tion of dangers & death; shame on old Louisa for producing

such physically fickle sons, lamentable fact! Some of our

men are now in such condition as to be obliged to leave for

home though the “Blues” did not reach the battle field until

the hireling army had retreated before our brave country

men; Oh! for ^‘the’ health of our brave soldiers that our battles may

prove successful, our cause triumphant; through the polite-

ness of our invalids, I may be able to send you this

answer to your last which was gladly recd. on yesterday. From the

newspapers and other sources you have proba[b]ly recd.

full information in regard to the recent battle – near

here in wh. the chivalrous Southerners proved conquerors,

We receive all manner of rumors here by [but] you all will

know certainly more truth about the fight that we when

the officers shall have made official returns. You

can not conceive what immense plunder we obtained

from the rascals in their flight. Every thing you see now

is professed to be a trophy from the vanquished foe.

General Scott with some of the Cabinet were dining at

Centreville not far off but poor fellows, they were com-

pelled to leave their food with wh. was a large quan-

[page 2]

tity of Champagne wh. our fatigued horseman enjoyed

very much; among other rumors that have reached us

from Alexandria one states that old “fuss & feathers’

has been decapitated. I wish it was so; what a

just retribution; what an appropriate punishment;

he proved traitor to one section; treacherous to his native

land & cursed in the eyes of the entire South; how glad

I’d be if now in the decline of his life, having lost his

first (& only) grand battle he wd. be dishonored by the Feder-

alists. It is also rumored that Alexandria has been

evacuated, thus great consternation was caused in the

Federal Capital by the defeat of Manassas; that

Old Abe has resigned, and that there is a general fight

going on in the metropolis; But these are mass [or “mere”] fictions

I [or “&”] imagine any resistance will still be offered our

invincible soldiers. Beauregard wd. have made an

[-] movement Monday but for the terrible rain

wh. poured down all that day. Had the entire forces

under Johnston reached Manassas in time, wh. they

wd. have done but for the collision (result of a Yankee

trick), we might have pursued the fellows into

Washington. But the Gentlemen are ready to

leave. We are in the same quarters & know not when

we will leave. Ed reached us safely yesterday – we

were all delighted to see him, wish Pa had come –

Most of our brave men are well, the cowards are all

getting well & trying to get home. [-] meet with success –

Tell Ashby[?] to come on immediately & bring Dr. Gray & Dr. Shepherd

[The following lines are written perpendicularly over the previous page.]

with him – they can get in if they come soon. I will write to them

shortly – they can meet us in Washington – Be cheerful about our

fates & let us be from you all a few days & the Yankees will all

be whipped. A Yankee letter was found in wh. it was requested

that his wife shd. write to him & direct it to Richmond Va.

Our fellows are getting on well – wd. fight like all the

world if necessary for every where they have been too late. It seems

that the Enemy are dreadfully afraid of the old 13th – they

retreat whenever we approach – Love to all friends in

the place & elsewhere – specifically to Miss Lute Payne, Miss Mattie

Gooch, Miss Daisy, Miss Etta Ham &c &c. I think you ladies

ought to open a Hospital at home specially for those of

the Louisa Blues who have scratches – I went out yesterday

to gather black berries & recd, sevl. wounds in the hand – I have become

considerably sunburned since I reached here & hope to receive my

discharge from Service on application. Please write to us

Hastily And Affl’y Yr Bro.

F. Pendleton Jones.

For another account of Confederate troops drinking captured Union champagne see the letter of “James” below.

MSS 13407

1861 July 26

[from the diary of Wesley Hammond of the Dixie Greys, 42nd Virginia Infantry, Co. E.

Marched to day 10 miles. Arrived

at Huntersville. Encamped on a

hill side in sight of the town.

Quite a bad situation for camp-

ing. In the evening Lieutenant

Thomas, Sergeant Evans, and my-

self walked down to town.

Late in the evening Gen Lowery came ^ ‘to town.’

MSS 5526

1861 July 26 University Military School [Charlottesville] Va.

Mrs. Wm. M. Blackford

My Dear Mother
I should have
written before to you after the receipt
of yours announcing the safety of
my brothers in the battle of Sunday
but my time has been exceedingly
occupied in the Hospital here, where
for some days I have been chiefly
spending my time. The preservation
of my dear brothers amid the dan-
gers of the terrible battle of Stone
Bridge has filled me with deep
gratitude and joy. Though I have
as yet none but negative evidence
of Eugene’s safety I presume it is con-
clusive though I would be glad to hear
positively. It was a mistake that
the Conrads of Martinsburg were only
wounded. I have the best reason

[page 2]
to believe they were both killed, falling
side by side upon the field. Also their
cousin Mr. Peyton Harrison of Martinsburg,
2nd Lt. of the company. These were
nearly all the deaths in the Border Guard.
I mourn the loss of my friends the
Conrads, deeply. What a fearful blow
for their parents, though they have
the unspeakable double consolation
(1) that they died Christians & (2) that
they fell in the discharge of a sacred duty.
I am told it was early in the en-
gagement that they fell, that they
had neither fired a shot. Besides them
andother one of my old college mates
fell on Sunday, viz Edmund Fontaine Jr
of Hanover, son of the President of the V[irginia]C[entral] R[ail] R[oad]
One or two of the Barbours of Winchester
were wounded. I know not how badly.
I do not now remember any other
persons killed or wounded whom I
knew or felt a particular interest in.
I lament much the death of Major Harrison

[page 3]

You all, like every body else, are
doubtless entirely engrossed with
the Battle and its dreadful con-
sequences, though it is considered
one of the most brilliant victories
on our part, of modern warfare.
I rejoice over the success but with
a joy greatly chastened, if not
almost neutralized, by the dread-
ful suffering I have witnessed
here among the wounded. I have
not in my whole previous life together
witnessed as much physical anguish
as I have in the last four days.
At the great C.S.A. Military Hospital
at this point in addition to the
1000 or 1200 sick, there are 400 woun-
ded, not less than 1500 patients in all.
At the University alone, in the Pub-
lic Hall, Chapel, and on the Lawns,
there are about 200 wounded men.
A few of them are desperate, a few more slight,
most of them serious, & many intensely painful.

[page 4]
The War Department has manifested
the most criminal neglect, I think,
in respect to this Hospital. There are
1500 patients and two or possibly three commissioned
surgeons. Without volunteer aid, by
which, owing to their numbers the
most of the work is done, the
case would be desperate. The con-
sequence is that Drs. Davis & Cabell
are worked half to death, hundreds
of dollars worth of practice is done daily
by volunteer physicians, who will
never receive a cent therefore I suppose,
-every medical man is as busy
as possible–and yet there is, at
lest among the wounded, often
much distress for surgical aid
I should say that there are a few
army surgeons here who came up with
wounded men for their special service.
In addition to the want of surgeons
there has not been sent here, so
far as I am aware, a single nurse or

[page 5]
attendant been sent here by the Dept.
and the sick have been sent in so
suddenly & rapidly as to make it ex-
ceedingly difficult to prepare properly
for their reception here. Nurses are
sadly needed–perhaps more in town
than here, but everywhere, at night
particularly, and among both the
sick & wounded. Male nurses are spe-
cially in demand I believe. Dr. Davis,
whose special charge is in the old Mon-
ticello House in Charlottesville, has 300
patients to see daily: this is just their
average hospital duty. Dr. Orlandoo Fair-
fax (an Alexandria refugee who with his
family sojourned here) is in charge chiefly
of the wounded at the University. He
has the efficient aid of some medical
students, and some from other physicians.
He has high reputation for skill &
efficiency, & is a most estimable gentleman

[page 6]
I have myself rendered a good deal
of service in the Hospital this week,
and for several days hence propose
to give most of my attention to
the wounded, to the neglect of
military duty. By next week things
will be sufficiently organized to ren-
der the present great demand for
nurses well much less. On Sunday
and Monday nights I sat up with
sick soldiers, on Wednesday night I
was up with the wounded in the
Hall, not sitting once, except on
a bed side in the 7 or 8 hours spent there.
Yesterday and to day I have done
a great deal of nursing, and to night
I shall be up until the “wee hours”
with the wounded. I have become
somewhat accustomed to seeing the
fearful sights, mutilations etc. already,
but some of the worst cases I can
not–nor ever can I believe–look upon
with anything like professional stolidity

[page 7]
I could tell you many interesting
things about these unfortunate poor
fellows, with whom I have asso
ciated and talked a good deal in
my nursing hours. the most note
worthy thing about the patients
is the almost uniform fortitude
and in some cases heroic resig-
nation which the sufferers manifest.
There are here 8 wounded prisoners,
who are in rooms on the lawn &
in every respect treated just as the
others, unless it be that they have
more attention and consideration. I
have been especially attentive my-
self to four of them, two of whom
have bullets through the body, dan-
gerous wounds. Another poor fellow
who is lie to die daily is very care-
fully nursed. His wound is fearful.
Drs. McGuffey and Howard are his
special attendants, though they are
generally active too.

[Lancelot Minor Blackford]
[remainder of letter missing]

The Conrad brothers and Edmund Fontaine were all alumni of the University of Virginia.

Dr. John Staige Davis, 1824-1885, was married to Lancelot’s older sister Lucy. He taught anatomy, materia medica (pharmacology), and botany at the University of Virginia.

Dr. J. L. (James Lawrence) Cabell, 1813-1889, taught anatomy, physiology, and surgery at the University of Virginia. He was the author of “The Testimony of Modern Science to the Unity of Mankind,” 1858, and was the physician in charge of the Confederate military hospitals during the Civil War. When yellow fever broke out in Memphis, Tennessee, after the war he was appointed chairman of the National Sanitary Conference and devised a plan that checked its spread. For the last ten years of his life he was president of the National Board of Health.

William Holmes McGuffey, 1800-1873, taught moral philosophy (ethics) at the University of Virginia from 1845-1873. He is remembered for the famous McGuffey’s Readers which were used to teach several generations of school children to read.

Dr. Henry Howard, 1792-1874, taught in the School of Medicine at the University of Virginia from 1859-1867.

Dr. Orlando Fairfax, 1806-1882, an alumnus of the University of Virginia, later served as a Confederate surgeon in Richmond, Virgina.

MSS 5088

1861 July 26 McLane’s Farm near Manassas [Virginia]

Dear Cousin Mattie

Very unwillingly I have allowed

several days after the battle to elapse without writing to you;

but I have really not have had a moment that I could call my own;

we have been in constant motion, the business of the company

the care of the wounded have kept my hands full. I cannot

write you any account of the battle; in fact it caused

me some surprise to learn next day that a great battle

had been fought. We arrived at Manassas (the Infantry

of the Legion) at daylight on Sunday, worn out with hunger

& our protracted journey of 36 hours. We were hardly dis

embarked when the heavy discharge of artillery at

some distance made us aware that the battle had begun.

Our breakfast was cooked & hastily eaten; our ammunition

shared out by Col Johnson; the regiment was formed

& we commenced out march in the direction of the

left wing which was threatened. After tramping

four miles a few shot that fell amongst us showed us

that the enemy was very near but unfortunately there

was no one to direct us & we wandered about some

time without knowing where to take position. Before

we were in action Col. Hampton was almost killed

by a shot which fell under his horse. At last we got

into a road on the brow of a hill & here for the

first time we saw in the ravine below us; on the

opposite hill, within the range of our rifles the numerous

battalions of Federalists who reached from right

to left two or three miles. We had hardly

occupied the road in full view of them when

a terrible volley poured in upon us & men commen

ced falling on every side. Col. Johnson fell among

the first. Col Hampton was dreadfully exposed but

escaped at this time. though we suffer much, our

fire checked the enemy who commenced retreating.

[page 2]

The men were cool & shot well; Col Hampton himself took a

gun & shot down a man at 500 yds. On our right was/INK BLOT

regiment in full few[sic] upon whom we did mo/INK BLOT

on account of a Palmetto flag which they/INK BLOT

we soon learned our mistake by a terif/INK BLOT

from them which compelled us to retreat. We/INK BLOT

now in some degree of confusion & redirected on/INK BLOT

by having to remove the wounded; we retrea/INK BLOT

one hundred yards behind a block house, which/INK BLOT

a while was a little Hougemont, with the difference

that we were driven away a few hundred yards

into a wood where we rallied returned to

our block house. I cannot understand how

in such a fire any one escaped, the bullets rattled

around like hail, col. H’s horse was killed under

him; we were reduced in numbers & worn out by

fatigue & thirst, & it became necessary to retire

about 500 yds through a wood into an old field

where we reformed & stopped in a most [?]

state, without a general & without the slightest notion

of what was expected of us & here we were shortly

joined by Barbours Brigade. It was a dreadful

moment for our country; we had been beaten

at all points & were almost surrounded

& nothing was required of the enemy but a vigorous

use of the bayonet to decide the day. In my mind

loomed up all the vast issues that were trembling

in the balance & shuddered at the contemplation

of a defeat. Just then Gen Beauregard rode with his

staff in to the field & I cannot describe to you

the effect of his appearance produced, All was

changed in a moment; the men brightened up,

dressed their ranks & gave le chevalresque Msgr

[page 3]

Beauregard a rousing cheer. In a moment that battle field away in

Virginia looked like Broad St. John Ferguson rode up by me (if you

wish to see a warm greeting, you must see it on a battlefield)

We had a good shaking of hands; then came in quiet succession

Vanderhorst, Heyward, Chisolm, Rice & at least 15

men that you meet at Club during the season. Beauregard

showed us a house on the left of that which we had already

defended, where we were to make a stand & we marched

gaily towards it; as we were moving up I heard

Sam dashing along the Georgia Regiments & begging

them to follow their General; I heard that afterwards

that he pointed to our Palmetto which was moving

up & asked them if they would not follow it; so that

it was by our flag that Bartow’s Brigade was rallied.

When we reached the point where our stand was

to be made the enemy’s artillery (Ricketts gifted battery)

was not 200 yds away & shell, ball, & bullets were

flying, whizzing & whistling about in a way to make

a person quite uneasy. Our men however did splendidly,

taking advantage of the cover they fired with ready

effect. Here Col Hampton wished to make a charge

but luckily the men were too much scattered, & were

doing excellent work in another way. At this time col

Hampton received his wound; Henry M[?] fell after

having fought like a hero. The flag staff was nearly severed

Capt Conner had now charge of the Legion & seeing that

the enemy were retreating, he made us move down the

field where we captured Ricketts rifled guns which

the General has presented to us. The enemy could now

be seen in full retreat & we were halted. On our

left we soon emerged from a wood on the summit

of a hill a regiment with the Confederate Flag

followed by another, & we soon had the

[page 4]

pleasure of seeing Cash and Kershaws finish in splendid

style what we had begun: this must have happened

at 4 o’clock & the battle was won. The enemy retreated

precipitately towards Centreville & the pursuit

commenced. Tired as we were we followed in the pursuit

[?] the scene along the road beggars description.

Everything indicates a panic. On all sides were the dead & wounded

lying & accoutrements were scattered in numbers sufficient

to equip a regiment. [word lined through] blankets, canteens, haver

sacks coats [boots?] strewed the ground. I saw them

rifle Genl McDowells provision carts & some of our men

got a taste of his champagne and men who had been in

rags were the next day in broadcloath. Late in the

evening we retreated 2 miles so as to be quite safe

& [?] [?] for the night. With a captured soda biscuit

and a captured blanket I made quite a night of it. I have met Burnet

Rhett & Willie Elliott who are in Kershaws & both well & in high

spirits. At daylight we returned to Manassas to recruit,

& forward the Cavalry and Artillery which arrived today. I

can tell you nothing about the state of affairs in front as knowing

more than we &c the Colonel is struck by a buckshot probably

from a percussion shell over the left eye; it has not been extracted

and the doctors think it may have rebounded from a bone. He is again on

horseback & looks as if a fist has been planted in his eye. Middleton

was struck by a ball which entered on the left side & came

out of the back; it was thought mortal at first, but the Doctors

are very hopeful; everything will be done that can be; as soon

as it is possible he will be removed to Charlottesville by

R. [name?] His courage in battle & the fortitude with which

he has borne his sufferings, are beyond all praise. In fact

the conduct of all the men has been glorious. There were

boys, not 18 years of age fought the whole battle through.

& fired almost every round of ammunition they had

[written cross hatched on page 5]

and followed us in the pursuit. Young Thompson after [?] left the

hospital to go into the fight when shot through the leg refused to

retire until the day was [?] Com is well. He got separated from

us early in the day & fainted from fatigue; was nearly captured; was rescued

by some Georgians & fought for the rest of the day in Bartow’s Brigade.

[?] behaved well & [?] is sure now of the Captaincy.

Col. Hampton exposed himself recklessly; so did Captain Conner; Logan & [?]

were [?] cool as veterans.

God has mercifully preserved me; there were moments when

I listlessly waited for the bullet that was to take me off & wonder now

that it did not come. I hope that I am spared to be of some service;

the experience of war gained so early in the campaign will enable me

to manage the company better on the next occasion.

Give my love to Mr. Hinlack & Helen. I hope that Helen

is better in health than when you wrote. I am

Very truly yours


P.S. the Colonel & Gov. Manning have just ridden up [?] [?] as I write

I can see Gov. Manning pulling out two bottles from his holster: precious bottles

they are. We are all delighted with Brown. Manning is [?] Manning

does his work like a man & got several bullets through his coat.

MSS 451

Hougemont farm was the site of the battle of Waterloo in 1815

John Lawrence Manning, 1816-1889, Governor of South Carolina , 1852-1854.

1861 July 26 Fairfax Station [Virginia]

My darling Jennie,

I have nothing in the world[?] to say but have
an opportunity to send a note to the Junction
& will write merely to say I am well and
do very much want to see you & my little chaps
there is now nothing doing in camp except that
our scouts are still busy arresting prisoners
& bringing in plunder of different kinds taken from
the enimy[sic]. We recd this morning 2 days rations
which always precede a 2 days march and
I suppose from that we are to be put in mo-
tion in a few hours. Still write to me at
Manassas Junction Your letters will be forwarded
to me–I cant write often but will when
I can send it after it is writen–You have
no idea how much I want to see you all
I cant see the slightest chance of doing so at
present–In this part of the country the people
were all run off & no chance to get board
for you–I think so soon as the train runs
down to this point I will have you & the children
come down & stay all night anyhow–I have
not seen Ned yet & dont know whether

[page 2]
he is here or at home–I have not heard
from you since the fight–Please write
to me as often as possible–

Affectionately your old man
E.T.H Warren

4th Regiment Virginia Volunteers and later Colonel of the 10th Regiment Virginia

MSS 7786-g

1861 July 25

[from the diary of Harrison B. Jones 33rd Virginia Infantry}

Today several more of
our Page Friends came in
to camp. Mr. Chadduck John
Baily Emmanuel Y Coffman
& several others. the company
received quite a lot of pro
visions from page [Page County] to day
and two private horses [?] which
was very escceptable

MSS 14169

[1861 July 25 Richmond, Va.]


Required under the Governor’s Proclamation of July 19th, under which Troops previously contributed are to be counted, viz:


Richmond City…………………………………Goochland………………………………..381
Richmond City…………………………………Hanover…………………………………..751
Richmond City…………………………………Henrico…………………………………..1369
Richmond City…………………………………Richmond City………………………..2429
Williamsburg……………………………………James City……………………………….217
Williamsburg…………………………………….Elizabeth City………………………….318
Williamsburg…………………………………….New Kent………………………………..215
Williamsburg…………………………………….Charles City……………………………181
West Point………………………………………..King Wiliam…………………………….259
Gloucester Point……………………………….King and Queen……………………….380
Gloucester Point……………………………….Glouceseter……………………………..452
At the court-house……………………………Westmoreland…………………………339
At the court-house……………………………Richmond county…………………….357
At the court-house……………………………Northumberland……………………..387
At the court-house……………………………Lancaster………………………………..198
At the court-house……………………………Matthews………………………………..386
At the court-house……………………………Middlesex………………………………..187

MSS 640