[Letter of Hiram Cash continues]
I was detailed to work on the fort today
they are making preperation for a battle about 500
Marines arrived here today to take charge of the guns
at the fort they understand the bussiness perfectly
of manageing heavy guns like them at the fort. A report
came to the fort to day that the enemy were throwing
up intrenchments within 5 miles of our lines and they
were expected to advance every day. I do not think they
will attack us here I think they will make an attempt to cross
the Potomack into Maryland either above Arlington or some way
below here and if they get across there will be a mighty
battle neare Baltimore but I think they will not be
allowed to cross the river There is a report that a large body
of our troops are on the moove with the intention of getting
to the rear of the rebels if they advance twords the river
our men will close in behind them and bring them between
to fires and as they cannot stand a very long time.
MSS 12916