[from the diary of William M. Blackford, bank officer and former diplomat with five sons in the Confederate Army]
Saturday Nov. 1 Mrs. D. & her son left
us for Careyswood–Eugene D-
this morning asked the price of
the coffee. [?] of course he supposed
which we had at Breakfast–I
told him it was made of Rye which
he found it hard to believe. We cer
tainly have it better here than any
place I know. Several persons have
congratulated themselves upon
drinking a cup of genuine coffee–Mr
Wyndham Robertson when last
here apologized for asking for a second
cup on the grounds that real coffee
was a rarity–I did not undeceive him.
The Board granted the permission
I asked to make the speculation–The
discount to-day was the largest we
ever made–near $120,000
I paid into Mc C & Irbys hands
$3000 in the name of Charles as a
manager but Charles share of it
is only $2200-Eight hundred dollars
of the money being Eugene’s–On
this margin they will pay on
their account 10,000 $ worth of
Tobacco–I am to pay them 5000 $
Tuesday on which they are purchase
15000$ worth. There is no risk of
loss if good tobacco is bought
the Post office was removed to day
to the second floor of the Masonic Hall
entrance from Church Street. The arrange
ments are not such as I would have
made, but they are great improvements
on the old–& what a contrast is
the room to the hole in which the
office was kept when I came to the
place to reside.
MSS 4763