[from the diary of James Dismore Templeton, musician and private in the 23rd Ohio]
Thursday, May 1, 1862
Left camp early this
morning after marching
about 4 miles came up
with Co C (which had went
out from camp No 3 two nights
before) which had just had
a severe skirmish 1 killed
& 14 wounded. We followed
up & the Cavalry had a skirm-
ish also another this evening
South of this place. Several
Rebels have been killed, wound-
ed & taken prisoner. Had to skip [?]
& ford Blackstone River
When we arrived here found
the place in flames most of
the houses burned. I was the first
to enter town Rained most
of the day very mudy hard
traveling Marched 22 miles
country very mountainous
now most clear A day full
of events Long to be Remem
bered. feel well but Tired
Howitzers fired into town.
MSS 10317