1862 March 31 Orange C.H., Va.

Orange C. H. March 31st 1862.
My Dear Father,
On account of recent irregu-
larity in the mails for several days past
occasioned by the movement of troops
I have received no letters within that
time, and have done nothing in addition
to what I reported in my last.
My men are all anxiously awaiting some-
thing definite, and decisive as well as myself.
They are all confident that I am
acting properly, and express themselves
as satisfied with the Course I have pursued.
I learn that the back mail will be
opened for distribution in the morning,
and I expect then to receive full informa-
tion from yourself, and the Department
which will direct my future action, and
be Conclusive on every point.
Recruits are pouring rapidly
into our regnt, and the Entire army
is alive with the drilling of soldiers,
and other military preparation

[page 2]
the spirits of our troops are high, and
by no means depressed by our recent
losses elsewhere.

[Letter of John Warwick Daniel will continue on April 1]

[transcription by Mary Roy Dawson Edwards]

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