Camp Franklin Va. Feb 27th/62
Dear parents.
I am expecting a letter
from you to night but I cannot waite
to recieve it before writing. It comes our turn
to go on picket tomorrow and I cannot write
again for a week. We have not recieved
that box yet and probably never shall for
some particular reason best know to the
express men When you send my shirts I
want you to take the responsibility upon
yourself in sending it and pay the freight
and have it directed in care of Capt. Bucknam
the other direction the same as you direct
letters and it will come here safe. I think
by enquiring you will find out the reason
why our box did not start from Portland.
We got orders last night to prepare to moove
from this place we shall probably moove
within 10 days to a place somewhere in the
vicinity of Sentreville as this place is
now occupied by our troops but this will
make no difference in sending those shirts
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I have got enough for the present so
you need not send many, I have not drawed
any from government for 5 months and I
have now got four pare I have got every thing
else I need I have got two pare of shirts but I
do not like them very well I sold one the
other day for 13 cts. I was glad to learn that
you had taken the N. Y. Tribune for in that
you get the full details of the progress of the
war which I presume will shortly come to an
end, and the soldeirs will return to their
homes crownd with all the laurells of a
victorious army All of the Ramymond
and Casco boys are well except Joseph
Spiller he is quite slim he is now in the
Brigade hospital. We had a tremendous gale
of winds here the other day you will see an
account of the effects of it in Washington
The weather here is again fair and bright
the mud is fast drying up and bids fair
to be good going in a few days. I have no
more particular news to write I thought I would
write a few lines so you might know I
was well I cannot write again for a week
my half sheat is almost filled, and I must
close Your son
Hiram M. Cash
this billet is for Alonzo Strouts Adda
MSS 12916