Dear Howe
I recd yours by
Rev Mr Cash, & attended to your
request with much pleasure.
Rev. Dr. Doggett, Rowzie Edwards
& D’Arcy Paul &c &c–a large
majority of the Trustee[s] of R.
Macon would have elected
you to the Math. Chair, if
there had been any showing
that you had had any
experience of knowledge of
the Military government of a
College & of Tactics. Your only
real competition was Blanken=
=ship of Lynchbg College, who sent
a recommendation from Col
[Francis Henney] Smith of the V. M. Institute.
They could not elect & have
[page 2]
postponed the election till about
15th of Jany. The Trustees are
anxious to have just such a
Professor as your recommendation
prove you are; but Dr Smith,
Prest, has the war fever, & says
military qualifications are
indispensable. We do hope
you will be elected in Jany
-not only because you desire
the Chair, but for the sake
of our College
Wife sends much love.
affly yr friend &c
T Franly[?]
MSS 9380