1861 August [?]

[Anonymous poem written in honor of Holmes and Tucker Conrad, two brothers, alumni of the University of Virignia, both of whom were killed in the battle of 1st Manassas/Bull Run. See letter of 1861 July 26, from Lancelot Minor Blackford at the University of Virginia]

Soldiers of Christ! well done;

Brothers in blood; in life:

Your conflict’s oer the victory won–

Ended, your mortal strife


They stood upon the field

Calm, mid the iron hail.

Holding no thought their post to yield

No heart that e’er could quail.


Their souls were lifted high

To where they’d long been given

Nor cared they for the foeman night

Christ! was their friend in heaven


“Retreat” “Fall back” –was heard

As thick the missiles flew–

They heard but heeded not, the word–

Firm stood, the brothers two.


Then Holmes’s cheery cry

His brother’s ear did greet:

“Come, stand by me, tucker my boy

“We never will retreat


One moment saw them stand

Instinct, with martial fire,–

The next–in front rank of their band

Right, at their posts expire


The messengers of death

At the same instant sped

As one, they yielded up their breath

Were numbered with the dead!


They say their forms inclined

Falling towards each other

As if the last thoughts of each mind

Was — Thus would I die my brother


Brothers! in blood in faith

Brothers! in youthful bloom

Brothers! in life brother!s in death

Brothers! in one same tomb


Thus fought they “the good fight”

In death that victory won

Sprung at one bound to Heavens light

And God’s eternal Son

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