Sat 14. Fine, but cool – had windows put in our house –
we are living well now – Dr. Reily went home Dr.
Bateman returned visited hospl. letters fr. Tilly &
Mr H – Hear that 9th A. C. is to be divided part go
to Newbern – & part (we) to Suffolk – 27th N J has orders
to be ready to move at mom hours notice.
Sun 15. Are April day – visited hos. talked & prayed as
usual. read at 4 Held service with regt – preaches
on “ How shod. a man be just with God.” Job 9:2 dift. ans.
given to question a slight shower ^‘at close’ prevented singing & also dress
9th A. C. Newport News Va. Feb 1863 1202
In Eveg. held a large & interestg py. mtg. at our quarters,
took walk after it on beach with Major, urged attention
to Salvation upon him – dark cloudy night, scraped away wet sand,
& kneeled together on beach & prayer for him. I hope God will
bring him to Christ – & pour out his spt. here.
Mon 16. rose early, am to hold py. mtg in hosp tent tonight,
feel need of Spts. presence & convertg. power –
large[?] & interstg meetg. Col Derrow returned.
Tues 17. rain – sketched – had singing in Eveg
Wed 18. rain – boxes came with good things from home,
held py. meetg. only three or four present – very stormy,
rats are drowned rats, small py. meetg in eveg.
Thurs 19. very stormy, but cleared so we played ball, but Eldridge
would catch me out.) visited hos. sketched & wrote letters.
Capt. Wheeler 15th Conn – took tea & sat awhile with us.
Fri 20. fine day, high wind but soft air – Dr. Daily & I rode
up the lines & beyond to outer pickets – on a high bluff thro.
woods saw whole 9th A. Corps – called on 27th Regt. passed thro. deserted
farms & gardens – beautiful country & rich land, home to a late
dinner – Mr Hornblower writes that my letter was read to my Ch & that
I am now out of the question.
Sat 21. A most charming spring like day, birds singing – air soft & balmy
Lt. Col Ayres & Capt Force are off for ducks at day light –
blew up cold at night – wrote several letters.
Sun 22. Terrible storm of wind snow & rain – walked thro. camp before
breakfast & some tents down & have drowned out –
Stormed almost whole day. very cold freezing – no parades
guardmountg – or general service – held short service –“
hos. & good prayer meetg. in Eveg – Col. unwell –
read sermon. Washingtons Birthday
Mon 23. Still very cold – cloudy – vist. hosp &c
Tues 24. Warmer – In p.m. went with Jno. to Fort
[page not numbered] Camp 9th AC at Newport News Va.
Monroe for Supplies – Feb 1863
Wed 26. Lovely day – Gen. Dix reviewed whole 9th
A.C. – Magnificient sight abt. 15000 men –
men in new pants, generally – splendid masses –
fine banners – & good discipline – As ea. regt.
with its two colors came up the old man raised
his hat the drums rolled a loud & startling salute
the colors dipped while the boys the while poured
forth delicious music. Dr. Reily returned –
We played ball – got quite warm, vist. hos – attended
small debating Soc. of the men in loft [?],
Thurs 26 – Warm – read – in hos – &c, Letter fr. Wm. H. says Wm. has returned with stores of good things
Fri 27 – Mild – Showry – visited by Chapl. Morris 8th
Conn. & Lt. Hubbell 21 Conn – In hos – also held a
Ch. Com. meetg – in Eveg – to arrange for communion –
Sat 28. Stormy, little unwell – dieted – held small but
interestg py. mtg in eveg. examined candidates for
Con adminsin to ch.
Sun 29. Clea March 1st. cleared off, fine, mild –
examined other candidates, & recd. in all five. Peter R