1863 Diary of Captain Zachariah Heed, 91st Regiment, Ohio Infantry 13406
[This 1863 diary is the first of two diaries by Captain Heed. It measures 3 ¾” X 5 ¾” and is covered in black leather. It is written in ink on pages with the dates pre-printed. The leather cover is broken at the spine. Pages are loose from the spine. Fayetteville, Virginia, referred to below, is now in West Virginia, twenty miles north of Beckley, on Rt. #19. See the list of names mentioned and transcription notes at the end of the diary.]
Fayetteville Va, Friday Morning. Weather cold, twenty eight years old to day, a grand Dinner at my Quarters to day. Evening weather Still cold, with Snow. [Jan. 2nd is Heed’s twenty-eighth birthday.]
Fayetteville Va, Saturday morning. Weather Some warmer than yesterday. Snow melting Some. Dress parade to day the first-time for Several Days.
Fayetteville, Va. Sunday morning, weather cold. Entered my Duties as Field Officer, of the Day, bad day for riding, visited the Pickets twice in the Day, and once at Night.
Fayetteville Va. Monday morning, weather cold. Some more Snow Blowing in my Quarters through the roof, could not Sleep much during the night on account of the Snow.
Fayetteville Va. Tuesday morning, weather cold more Snow, looks Something like rain, Afternoon, Slight rain, weather moderating.
Fayetteville Va. Wednesday morning. Snow is a melting fast, weather rather warm, Everything quiet in Camp. Afternoon getting Some Colder, the wind a raising. 9 oclock P.M. very Dark.
Fayetteville Va, Thursday morning. weather getting Still colder. Snow all gone. Enterd on my Duty as Regimental Officer of the Day, in camp. Everything quiet, 12 oclock P.M. Very Dark, & Cold.
Fayetteville, Va. Friday morning, weather very cold, with wind a blowing Strong. Afternoon wind has ceased blowing, 9 oclock P.M. Dark.
Fayetteville, Va. Saturday morning, weather Some warmer, than yesterday, received Calmet Moore’s Discharge papers, Afternoon, Signs of snow, 9 oclock P.M. quite Dark.
Fayetteville, Va. Sunday morning, weather damp. Signs of Snow or Rain, have made out Calmet Moore’s Discharge papers. Afternoon Some Snow 8 oclock P.M. Still Snowing.
Fayetteville, Va. Monday morning. Snow Some four or five Inches, on the ground Blowed in my quarters all Night. 6 P.M. Stoped Snowing
Fayetteville, Va. Tuesday morning, weather moderating. Rumord in camp we will be attacked here before long. Afternoon Reported we will have an attack to Night. 9 oclock P.M. Artillery in motion.
Fayetteville, Va. Wednesday morning. no attack last Night, everything on the qui vive in camp Snow melting Slowly, 2. P.M. things quiet in camp. 6 P.M. another report the Rebs are advancing 10. oclock P.M. all quiet
February begins here:
Charleston Va. Saturday morning, weather mild. Col J. A. Turley, before the military Examining Board. mud getting still deeper, Afternoon Rain, trial of Provost Marshall’s between John Thaxton & Ben Murphy, on Seccission proclivities. [“Murphy” is added in pencil.]
Charleston Va, Sunday, morning, been raining all night, River on the rise, Dr. E. C. Kreider, Started for Lancaster Ohio 8 ½ P.M. Clear & cold, Freezeing. not well..
Charleston Va. Monday morning, clear & cold, not very well this morning
3 oclock P.M. Received from Col White 12th O.V.I. four hundred and Thirty Dollars, to hand to S. M. Barrett, Sutler of 12th O.V.I. 8 ½ oclock P.M. Sky cloudy
Charleston Va. Tuesday morning. Raining, five men brought from the Nei[gh]borhood of Buffalo, as Hostages, for Deputy Sheriff of Putnam County Captured by the Rebels. 2 oclock P.M. Raining 8 ½ oclock P.M. Still Raining
Charleston Va. Wednesday morning, Met Major Cowan Paymaster, out of funds E.P. Stout, Sutler of 91st O.V.I. on his road to Cincinnati Raining, mud one foot on the Streets, a Slush.
Charleston Va. Thursday morning. cloudy and muddy, Served on a court Martial, trying Major E.M. Carey, 2 oclock. Sun Shining 6 oclock P.M. met Aelin Colvin, on his road Home. Discharged.
Charleston Va Friday morning. Raining. Met Huchinson on his road to Pallissolis [or “Pallifolis”], 2 oclock P.M. turning cold. Paitt 8 oclock P.M. Ar[r]ived here from Charleston at 6 oclock P.M.
Piatt Va Saturday morning, cold & cloudy 2 oclock P.M. Start for camp. Carrelton Va 10 oclock Foggy, boat cannot run, 11 oclock P.M. Snowing, lay up for the night.
Carrelton Va. Sunday morning, cold and snowing. Start this morning for Fayetteville on Victor No. 2. Loop Creek, 10 oclock, A.M. reach Fayetteville at 5. P.M. 8 oclock P.M. returned from Dr. J. B. Warwick’s. Cold and cloudy. Snow.
Fayetteville Va. Monday morning, cold & cloudy, was visited by Dr. J. B. Warwick, 1 oclock P.M. cold and windy. Lieut Stroup and Kisler [?] Start home tomorrow, 12 ½ oclock wind blowing Cold. Sky clear.
[Note that on this date, 24 Feb. 1863, Heed begins calling his location West Virginia. West Virginia officially entered the Union as the 35th state on June 20, 1863.]
Fayetteville, W. Va. Tuesday morning, cloudy and mild. Lieut W. S. Underwood. Started for Home, Snow melting 8 ½ oclock P.M. Raining. not very well
Fayettevile W Va, Wednesday morning. Raining, Lieut W. S. Underwood’s Resignation acceptance came in the mail, 2 oclock P.M. Ceased raining, 6 oclock P.M. not well retire to Bed
Fayetteville W Va. Thursday morning, Raining been Raining all night feel better this morning 2 oclock P.M. receive new Arms. Springfeild Rifled musket. Raining 8 Oclock P.M. Sky clear, not well, retire to bed Sick
Fayetteville W. Va. Friday morning. Sun Shining. return Austrian Rifled Muskets, not well to day. 8 oclock P.M. clear and wind blowing retire to bed Some better
February 28.
Fayetteville W Va. Saturday morning. muster for Pay, two months pay due Regt to day. wind blowing cold, 2 oclock P.M Still cold this month going out very rough. 8 oclock P.M. cold.
I have not received any pay from the Gover[n]ment, Since I have been in the Service. I Shall Rec[c]omend 2nd. Lt. J. M. White, to be Promoted to be 1st. Lt. of Co. A. and Orderly W. A. Donohoe, to be 2nd Lt. of Co. G. this is to fill the vacancies Occasioned by the Resignation of Lt. Underwood. I am Sorry to part with him he is a good Officer.
Fayetteville W Va. Sunday morning. weather very cold. getting cloudy. Everything quiet in camp. 2 oclock P.M. com[m]encing to Snow. Joe Chaney brought me Some Eggs, from Cassidays 8 oclock P.M. moderating
Fayetteville W Va. Monday morning. cloudy and quite pleasaent, Death in the 12th Regt O.V.I. on Committee of Thanks to Gov Tod, for New Arms. 2 oclock P.M. Sun Shining quite warm, 8 oclock P.M. Cloudy with Snow.
Fayetteville W Va. Tuesday morning, cloudy & Snow, another Death in the 12th Regt O.V. I. 2 P.M. more Snow falling, 7 oclock P.M. Snow & wind not very well, retire early.
Fayetteville, W Va. Wednesday morning. Snow two Inches on the ground. made out final Statement and Description List of Aaron Whaley, who Died in Hospital at Gallipole’s Ohio. Received my Dress Suit from Home, Seven months in Service to day
Fayetteville W Va. Thursday morning, clear and rather warm. Regiment Shooting Target. Co. G beat all of the Companies Shooting, as we always have done. 2 oclock P.M. Sun Shining. 8 oclock P.M. Clouds looks like Rain.
Fayetteville W Va. Friday morning, Raining, been Raining Since 12 oclock P.M. 2 oclock P.M. cold and Raining. 9 ¼ P.M. getting cold. not very well. heard Paymaster was coming
Fayetteville W Va. Saturday morning, Raining and mud[d]y. George A. Stockam, a member of my Company, Died in Regimental Hospital, 2 oclock P.M. Still Raining. Samuel M. Wiles very Sick in Hospital, 8 oclock P.M. Raining.
Fayetteville W. Va, Sunday morning, clear and warm, Sent the Deceased body of George A. Stockam’s Home, in charge of Mr Hughes, of Portsmouth, O, 2 oclock P.M. warm Sun Shining, took an Inventory of George A. Stockam’s Effects, 7 oclock P.M. Raining.
Fayetteville W Va, Monday morning. cold and Raining, been Raining and Snowing all Night, 12 oclock A.M. clear and cold. 4 oclock P.M. clear and cold. 8 oclock P.M. cold & clear, 12½ P.M. cold & cloudy
Fayetteville W. Va. Tuesday morning 8 oclock. Snow one and a half Inch on the ground. 10 oclock A.M. snow three Inches on grou[n]d. 12 oclock A.M. cold & Raining 2 oclock P.M. moderating 5 oclock P.M. Still Raining. 10½ P.M. Raining hard.
Fayetteville West Va. Wendesday 7 oclock A.M. clear & cold. been Snowing, during the Night. 10 oclock A.M. Sun a shining, 2 oclock P.M. cold and Snowing, 5 oclock. P.M. cold and windy. 8 oclock P.M. cold and freezing. not very well. retire to bed early,
Fayetteville West Va. Thursday 7 oclock A.M. cold and windy. Snow disappeared. feel Some better this morning. 9¼ A.M. Snowing pretty freely. 6.P.M. cold and windy. 9½ oclock P.M. cold and Snowing.
Fayetteville West Va. Friday 7 oclock A.M. very cold and windy. Mejors[?], Brill, James, and Laughlin, arrived here from Ohio, on a visit to Some of my Company. 6 oclock Still cold. 10 oclock P.M. getting Still colder. Retire to bed very cold.
Fayetteville West Va. Saturday. 6 oclock A.M. clear and cold. Making out quarterly Returns of clothing, to Dec 31st 1862. 11 oclock A.M. getting warm. 2 P.M. quite warm, was paid a visit by Lieut Merry of the 34th O.V. I. 10 oclock P.M. clear and quite warm.
Fayetteville West Va. Sunday, 6 oclock A.M. cloudy and warm. 10 oclock A.M. Received orders to pack all camp and Garrison equipage, ready for a move. 1½ oclock P.M. Start for Gauley, Roads Muddy Camp Fenwick. 6 oclock P.M. Raining
Camp Fenwick Va. Monday 5 oclock A.M. cloudy and warm, been Raining during the Night Will Start for Gauley as Soon as we get Breakfast, eat Supper, with Lieut White at Mr E.B. Lawrences, last Night Camp Gauley, Va, 11½ oclock A.M. found better quarters than we left
Camp Gauley West Va. Tuesday 6 oclock A.M. clear and warm. 8½ oclock A.M. Enter on my Duties as Regimental Officer of the Day. Visited guards, met Capt Boyd, of the 34th [?] O.V.I. fine weather roads drying, 3 oclock P.M. this is a Splended Day, 12 oclock, M, Returned from visiting Pickets.
Camp Gauley West Va, Wednesday 6 oclock A.M. Raining Slightly, 9 oclock A.M. Releived by Capt. Wicoff, as Officer of the Day. 3 oclock P.M. clear and mild, Capt Clarks, q[u]arters mashed by a Log, rolling down Cotton Mountain
Camp Gauley W Va, Thursday, 6 oclock A.M. cloudy, looks like Rain. 8 oclock A.M. Raining was fishing but Caught nothing. 1½ oclock P.M. Raining very hard Sent a map of Fayetteville W. Va. to R.M. Clake. Lancaster O. 8½ P.M. Still Raining, cold.
Camp Gauley W Va. Friday 7 oclock A.M. Raining very hard, quite cold. been Raining all Night. 9 oclock A.M. cold and cloudy. 11 oclock A.M. Raining again 2 oclock P.M. Hail with Rain. 5 oclock P.M. Raining. 8 oclock P.M. Raining Slightly
Camp Gauley W Va. Saturday 6 oclock A.M. cloudy & cold, 8½ oclock A.M. Enterd on my Duty as Officer of the Day, Releived Capt S. E. Clark. 2 oclock P.M. clearing of[f] in the west. 12. P.M. clear & cold.
Camp Gauley West Va. Sunday 6 oclock A.M. clear and quite warm, 8½ oclock A.M. was Releived by Capt L. G. Cadot[?], as Officer of the Day. 10 oclock A.M> Regt on Dress Parade, to hear the proce[e]dings of Court Martial read, a pleasant day 8½ P.M. moon, Shining & warm.
Camp Gauley West Va. Monday 6½ oclock A.M. cloudy, looks like Rain, 10 oclock A.M. clear and warm 1. oclock P.M. clear, Sun shining very warm. Sent Maj H. C. Whiting, [-], check for $26 – , 10 oclock P.M. cloudy, wind blowing warm
Camp Gauley West Va, Tuesday 7 oclock A.M. warm and Raining. 10 oclock A.M. received Orders to move to Gauley Bridge, Kanawha River is rising rapidly Ferry Boat cannot run. 11 P.M. cloudy
Camp Reynolds West Va. Wednesday 7 oclock A.M. Raining Slightly Kanawha, Still on the rise. this camp is ½ a mile below the Kanawha Falls. Lieut Merry R.Q.M. 34th O.V.I. took Dinner with me to Day. 4 oclock P.M. Rain and Hail. 8½ oclock P.M. Dark and Raining, Kanawha Still Rising.
Camp Reynolds West Va. Thursday 6½ oclock A.M. cold, and Snowing. I was Presented with an elegant Sword, by Sergeant A.M. Scott, on behalf of the members of my Company, it cost two Hundred and Thirty Dollars, Belt and Sash with it 10 oclock P.M. clear and cold, freezing
Camp Reynolds W Va. Friday. 7 oclock A.M. clear and cold. Kanawha River falling. 10. oclock A.M. Sun Shining warm, River falling fast 2 oclock P.M. warm, 10 oclock. P.M. cloudy looks like Rain,
Gauley Bridge, W Va. Wednesday 8 oclock A.M. cold, and winday, Snow 1½ Inches on the ground. All Fools Day, very dull here, 11 oclock A.M. Sun Shining, 1¼ oclock P.M. getting warm, Sun Shining. 5 oclock P.M. wind blowing cold. 9½ oclock P.M. Beautiful moonlight night.
Gauley Bridge W Va. Thursday 6¾ A.M. Cold, with a Strong wind. 10 oclock A.M. wind a blowing very hard, everything quiet on Gauley, 12 M. warm and mild. Just had a game of marbles, with Some of my Co. 2¼ P.M. Raining. 7¾ P.M. wind blowing cold.
Gauley Bridge W Va. Friday 7¼ A.M. Cold, rough wind. 9. A.M. Raining Slightly. 11½ A.M. cold wind blowing 2¼ P.M. Snowing & wind blowing 8½ P.M. Beautiful Moonlight Scenery, of Gauley Mountain.
Gauley Bridge, W Va. Saturday 6¾ A.M. cold & winday. 9 A.M. Telegraphed for my Wife to come here. Eight months , in Service to Day. 1½ P.M. mail to day. the first for Six Days. Windy and cold. 4. P.M. very cold. 8 oclock P.M. clear and cold.
Gauley Bridge, W Va. Sunday 7½ A.M. cold and clear. 9. A.M. Sun Shining bright, 10½ A.M. received a visit from Lieuts. Atkinson and Crassford. 91st O.V.I. they found me Sick in bed, 2 oclock P.M. a Beautiful Day, out of doors, but a dull day to me. 7. P.M. turning cold.
Gauley Bridge W Va, Monday 5½ A.M. feel Some better this morning. cold and Raining visited by Col Coates, at 10 oclock A.M. 2 P.M. getting Still colder and Raining [page cut] P.M. cold and blustery.
Gauley Bridge W Va. Tuesday 8. A.M. Snow and Rain. 10 A.M. cold and winday feel much better this morning. 12. M. Sun Shining bright Col. B. F. Coates took the Command of this Post to Day. 2. P.M. weather Looking Fine. 7 P.M. clear and cold.
Gauley Bridge, W Va. Wednesday 7. A.M. cold and cloudy 9. A.M. clearing up Some. Just heard of Thirty, of Jenkins, Cavalry was brought into Charleston Va. Prisoners. 2 P.M. Still cloudy and cold. 5. P.M. clouds clearing off. 8½ P.M. clear, cold, and Starlight. [Thirty of Jenkins Cavalry captured.]
Gauley Bridge, W Va. Thursday. 6½ A.M. clear and cold. 10. A.M. sun shining warm. Paid a visit to the camp of the 91st at Camp Reyonaldo. 4 P.M. clear and warm. 9 ½ P.M. cold and Starlight.
Gauley Bridge, W Va. Friday 7 ½ A.M. clear and warm. 9 ½ A.M. getting quite warm. Visit the Thompkins farm in company with Col. B. F. Coates. Thompkins is a Col in the Rebel Service. 1 ½ P.M. General Muster of all the United States Forces, to day.
Gauley Bridge W Va. Saturday 6 ½ A.M. warm and hazy. 10. A.M. clear and warm. Just learned the Union Ticket was Triumphant in Ohio. Bully for Ohio. 2 P.M. warm. 4 ½ P.M. Received dispatch from My Wife, at Charleston on her way here. good for her.
Gauley Bridge W. Va. Sunday 6. A.M. cloudy & Raining. 9. A.M. Start for Cannelton, to meet my wife, 1 oclock P.M. take Dinner at the Riggs, opposite Cannelton. Stay all night with Jonas Likens. 9 P.M. clear
APRIL 13 – APRIL 18 (Pages missing.)
Gauley Bridge W Va. Sunday 7. A.M. a beautiful Morning 9 ½
A.M. Start on a visit to See the Hawks Nest. meet a Flag of Truce, coming from the Rebel Army. Hawks Nest 8 miles from here. Col Coates Maj Carpenter, Capts Clarke Caldwell, Adjt Longbon. in company
Gauley Bridge W Va Monday 6 ½ A.M. Sun Shining warm. Old man Manser & wife. left for Cincinnati O Mrs Dunlap the wife of a Rebel Soldier came through the lines, on her way to New Hampshire 3 P.M. warm & cloudy. 8 ½ P.M. wind blowing warm.
Gauley Bridge W Va. Tuesday 7. A.M warm and pleasent.
Election among the commissiond Officers for the Majorship, ballots to remain Sealed until the ballots arrive from the detachment at Summerville
Gauley Bridge W Va. Wednesday 7 ½ A.M. cloudy & warm. 9 A.M. A Deserter Just came in. he Deserted from the 22d. Virginia C.S.A. 3 ½ P.M. clearing up. 5. P.M. wind blowing. 8 ½ P.M. commenced to Rain
Gauley Bridge W Va. Thursday 7 ¼. A.M. cloudy & Raining. 9. A.M. Still Raining. Sent of[f] an Application for Furlough, for Thos. Wilson.
11 ½. A.M. Several Sick from Summerville Va on their road to Hospital. 2 P.M. Raining. 9 ½. P.M. cloudy and damp
Gauley Bridge W Va. Friday 7. A.M. Raining freely. 9 ½ A.M. clearing up, cold. Gauley and New Rivers, both on the Rise, E. P. Stout went
to Cinti . 3 P.M. clear & warm 8 P.M. Beautiful Moonlight Night
Gauley Bridge W Va. Saturday 7. A.M. clear and warm. 9. A.M. two Deserters came in from Richmond, been four weeks coming. report great destitution, in the South. the Rebel Army on half Rations. Officer of the Day the first time, for a month.
Gauley Bridge W Va. Sunday 7.A.M. a beautiful morning. 10.A.M. Irish Families moving within the lines. one man bringing five hundred pounds of Tobacco. Smugled it through the Rebel lines. A Flag of Truce, went to Lewisburg, under Lt. Ankrom. 2d Va. Cavl
Gauley Bridge W Va. Monday 7.A.M. clear and warm. 8 ½. A.M. Families, Still a Fleeing from Dixie. 3. P.M. getting cloudy, cavalry on road to Sumerville 81/2. P.M. cloudy, looks like Rain.
Gauley Bridge W Va. Tuesday 6 ¼. A.M. Raining. 8.A.M. Enter on my Duty as Officer of the Day. Still raining 4.P.M. Loop creek. twenty Deserters, here, from the Rebel Army. They report great destitution among the Rebels. 9.A.M. Raining.
Gauley Bridge, W Va, Wednesday 5.A.M. clear and warm. 7 ½. A.M.
Start with my Wife, in an Ambulance, for Loop creek. Roads very rough. Loop Creek 10. A.M. cloudy. Boat will not be there until Some time in the night.
Loop Creek, W Va. Thursday 5 ¼. A.M. my wife Started for Cincinnati O. Col Paxton, starts for Lewisburg with the 2nd Va Cavalry, to attack the Rebels, under Col Edgar, 26th Va. Vol.
MAY 1 – MAY 6 (Pages missing.)
MAY 7.
Summerville W. Va. Thursday. 6 ¼ A.M. cloudy and warm. Start for Gauley Bridge, Va. this morning looks like rain. Gauley Bridge 6 ½ P.M. arrived here wet completely through. been raining very near all Day. put up for the night at Mr Hills.
Gauley Bridge W Va. Friday Mr. Hills warm and cloudy. Intend to visit Camp Reynolds this morning where the 34th O. V. I. are encamped 3 ½ P.M. Raining, quite hard. Just returned from Camp Reynolds, Saw Capt. Peck, Capt. West, Maj Shaw Lieut Clark, &c
Gauley Bridge W Va. Saturday 8. A.M. clear and warm, I intend to Start for Ohio to day, if I can get conveyance. met Lieut Taylor, on Guard everything quiet here, to day. Gauley & New Rivers, Raising
MAY 10.
Gauley Bridge W Va. Sunday 6 A.M. clear and warm. Start for Loop Creek, to day. Stopt at the camp of the 34th.O.V.I. Simmonds Battery moves to day. Loop Creek, 1 ½ P.M. Just arrived here met T. C. Hutchins, at Mrs Hudlestons, took Supper there.
Loop Creek, W Va. Monday 5 ½ A.M. a Splendid morning. Met Capt. West, 36th O.V.I. on his way to Charleston. to attend the Court Martial in Session there. waiting for a Boat here. 9 ½ A.M. Just heard that the 91st O.V.I. has moved back to Gauley Bridge.
Loop Creek W Va. Tuesday, the Gen. Meigs will Start down the River to Day. Charleston W Va. 8 A.M. met Capt. Jim Thomas. 91st O.V.I. & Capt. Buck Smith, 12th O.V.I.
May 13.
Galipolise O. Wednesday 1 oclock A.M. on Board of the Alleghanie Belle. bound down the Ohio River. I Shall get of[f] at Portsmouth O. and go up the canal to Waverly, O. as I want to See Hon J. J. Green
Waverly O. Thursday 6.A.M. everything looks Natural here. I See Several New Houses are being built here. Met very near all of my old acquaintances all looking well. looks as if it would be ^ ‘warm to day’
Circleville O. Friday. 3. A.M. was awakened up, to go on the cars to Lancaster O. I have not been very well for Several days. I went to bed yesterday 5. P.M.
MAY 16.
Lancaster O. Saturday I arrived here yesterday morning at half past five, with a pretty high Fever. Sent for Dr. O. E. Davis. who gave me Some Calomel, and quinine. he Says I am attacked with Fever.
Lancaster O. Sunday Fever not quite So high and burning as yesterday. Dr Davis informes me he is a going to remove to Cinti – to practice his profession he will do well there
Lancaster O. Monday Fever worse to Day. I have Sent for Dr. Wagenhals. to visit me as Dr. Davis has gone to Cincinnati O. was called on by Dr. P. M. Wagenhals
May 19.
Lancaster O. Tuesday Fever not near So heavy as it was on yesterday. I am Still taking a pretty large quantity of medicine. I have been visited by a good many of my acquaintances Since I came.
Lancaster O Wednesday no Fever this morning, but last Night the Fever was very high worse than it has been sick. Since I have been taken Sick pulse quiet and easy this morning.
Lancaster O. Thursday Fever all disapeard but am yet very weak. have eaten of nothing Since last Friday. been drinking Some wine, to day
May 22.
Lancaster O. Friday. am very weak yet. no Fever now. felt like eating Something this morning. am not taking any Medicine now. the weather is very warm and dry.
Lancaster O. Saturday, much better this morning, but am quite weak. Shall take a ride up, Street to day. I think it will make me feel Some better. weather warm and dry yet. we need Rain.
Lancaster O. Sunday feel pretty well this morning. a Ride on yesterday braced me up considerable. Met a number of my friends. All well.
MAY 25.
Lancaster O. Monday, I am getting Some Stronger. I met John Collons, Late the Major of the 5th O.V. I. who had to Resign, on account of ill health also met Major Stafford, of the 1st O.V.I. looking well. weather warm and Dry.
Lancaster o. Tuesday am Still gaining in Strength. Received information that Abram Heed , was wounded Sever[e]y in the hip and Legs at the Battle of Chancelorsville Va. 25th Regt. O.V.I.
Lancaster O. Wednesday gaining in Strength, looks like Rain this morning. 5 ¼ P.M. very warm and dry. everything needs rain 8 P.M. clear and warm.
MAY 28.
Lancaster O. Thursday. 7 ½ A.M. Feel much better this morning, a pleasant wind blowing. 11 ¼ A.M. cloudy and warm. looks Something like Rain. 1.P.M. very favorable news from Grants Army, in front of Vicksburg, Miss.
Lancaster, O. Friday, 6 ½ A.M. am gaining Strength fast. cloudy and warm Slight rain. was visited by W. E. Mead, of Chillicothe O. Superintendent of the Ohio Canal. Shall Start for Columbus O. at 1 oclock P.M. with Col McVeigh.
Columbus O. Saturday 5 ½ A.M. gaining Strength very fast. a Splendid morning. Rain last night. pretty lively here this morning. a Splendid morning
JUNE 1-3 (Page cut out.)
Lancaster O. Thursday 8 ¼. A.M. clear and warm. Col. Alfred McVeigh, Started for Philiadelphia, yesterday. 10.A.M. very warm. The Seventeen year Locust have made there appearance. 1 P.M. war news good to Day. 7.P.M. warm.
Lancaster O. Friday 8 ¾. A.M. warm & dry. in very good health now. news very Stale from the Army. Judge W. W. Johnson, of Ironton, O. is here. he used to be a guest of mine at Waverly.
Lancaster O. Saturday, 9.A.M. very dry. 1 ½ P.M. I Saw to day for the first time, Some men a wearing Butternutts, the cursed Rebels. worse than those in the South.
Lancaster O. Sunday 9 ½ A.M. the air this morning is quite cold, for this time of the year. 11.A.M. clear and cold. not very well. 1 ½. P.M. more pleasant. 8 ½ P.M. getting quite cold.
Lancaster O. Monday 8 1/2 .A.M. clear and quite cold. a pretty big frost last Night nipping of the Garden truck. I wrote to Col Turley, about my certificate, from the Quartermaster 6.P.M. cool.
Lancaster O. Tuesday. 7 ½.A.M. clear and cool feel in good Spirits this morning over the news of the operation of Gen Banks, at Port Hudson, hope he will whip them
JUNE 10.
Lancaster O. Wednesday 7 ½. A.M. clear & warm. the air a little damp. feel first-rate this morning. 10.A.M. looks like Rain. 1 ½. P.M. war news very good. no Rain yet. Some appearance of it however.
Lancaster O. Thursday 8 A.M. Raining. has been raining Since yesterday in the evening. this is the first Rain, Since I have been at Home. The Gardens and fields look very healthy.
Lancaster O. Friday 8 ½. A.M. warm & clear 10. A.M. received my certificate of Indebtedness to the Government, from Lt. A. D. Crossland, the R.Q.M. 91st Regt, O.V.I.
JUNE 13.
Lancaster O. Saturday 8 ½. A.M. warm & cloudy. looks Something like rain 10. A.M. Just heard that the Democratic convention met at Columbus O. have Nominated C.L. Valandigham, for Gov, of Ohio. this will not Suit the Soldiers.
Lancaster O. Sunday. 9. A.M. clear & warm. no Rain on yesterday. the Union Party talk of Nominating John Brough, for the Gov of Ohio. he will be Elected Sure, if he is Nominated, 7. P.M. warm.
Lancaster O. Monday 7 ½. A.M. clear & warm. the Gardens, and the crops in the Fields, look very well. the prospect is now, for a Bountiful harvest.
JUNE 16.
Lancaster O. Tuesday 8. A.M. warm & hazey. Yesterday was the warmest day we have had So far this Season. 1 ½. P.M. a Slight Sprinkle of Rain. the Oats, and hay crop will be Short this Season
Lancaster O. Wednesday 9. A.M. the convention of the Union Party meet at Columbus, O. to day. a great many of the Delegates, are passing through here. John Brough, will be Nominated for Gov. Sure.
Lancaster O. Thursday 8 ½. A.M. News came last Night, of Lee’s Army a moving toward Pennsylvania & Maryland Hooker, is also moving will be a Battle betwe[e]n them
JUNE 19.
Lancaster O. Friday 8. A.M. received news of John Brough’s Nomination for Gov, he will Suit the Soldiers, and will be Elected by at least, from Seventy five, to Ninty thousand MaJority. Bully for him
Lancaster O. Saturday 9 ½. A.M. no positive news from Lee’s army, Reble Cavalry in Penn & Maryland, doing considirable damage. Col McVeigh arrived home from Washington City. my case under advisement there.
Lancaster O. Sunday 9 ½. A.M. warm and clear, grain looking very well, in the fields. no News of importance from Vicksburg or Hooker.
JUNE 22.
Lancaster O. Monday 8.A.M. clear 7 warm 11 ½. A.M. my Brother arrived at Home to day. he was wounded in the Battle of Chancellorsville. he is in the Army of the Potomic, under Gen Hooker.
Lancaster O. Tuesday 9. A.M. warm and cloudy. Abram Heed belongs to the 25th Regt O.V.I. Army of the Potomic will take Dinner with me to day. he was wounded at Chancellorsville. Eastern Virginia.
Lancaster O. Wednesday 7. A.M. cool & cloudy a very poor market here for this time of the year. they generally have a good market in this place.
JUNE 25.
Lancaster O. Thursday 8 ½ A.M. cloudy and cool. the Locust are about all disappeared. Some Indications of Rain. they are trying to raise a company of Negroes for the war, in this County. good Luck Speed them
Lancaster O. Friday 9. A.M. cool & Raining has been Raining Since yesterday Evening. I am in tolerable good health at this time. the health of my Family, is very good. the war news rather exciting
Lancaster O. Saturday 8 ½. A.M. windy and cool. A good market this morning. 10 ½. A.M. business pretty brisk to day, this is fine growing weather.
JUNE 28-JULY 3 (Page cut out.)
Lancaster O. Saturday. 7 1/2 . A.M. a pleasant morning 10. A.M. there will not be any celebration here to day. too many of the Copperhead persuasion, in this County. Rain last night cooled of[f] the atmosphere Locusts have all disappeard
Lancaster O. Sunday. 8. A.M. clear and warm. a beautiful Rain yesterday. 11 ½. A.M. good news from the Potomac Army. the Rebels on the Retreat. a pleasant wind moving. Several Butternuts drunk yet from yesterday.
Lancaster O. Monday 7 ½. A.M. a. Beautifull morning. fine weather for cutting Hearvest. 1 ½. P.M. news just came that Gen. Meade, has whipt Gen Lee, in Pennsylvania
Lancaster O. Tuesday 7 ½. A.M. warm and pleasant. looks like Rain. every person but the Butternuts are pleased about the news from the Army of the Potomac. 3. P.M. dispatch Says that Vicksburg has Surrenderd.
Lancaster O. Wednesday 8. A.M. very warm. A great Jolification, last Night. bonfires & firing of Cannon, on the Surrender of Vicksburg with 26,000 Prisoners. Col John. A. Connell, of the 17th O.V.I. made a Speech
Lancaster O. Thursday. 6 ½. A.M. cloudy & warm. another large meeting last night. Bonfires and fire works. Speaches &c. I intend going to Cincinti in a few day to get my ^ ‘pay’.
JULY 10.
Lancaster O. Friday 8 ½. A.M. warm and hazey. a Butternut meeting takes place here to Night they look very much discomfited and downhearted over the news from Gen. Meades Army and from Gen Grants Army
Lancaster O. Saturday 6. A.M. weather hazey. a good market this morning. this is what I like to See. 2 1/2 . P.M. Charles Heed. Started for Columbus O. on the noon train, with Six more men, for his Company
Lancaster O. Sunday. 9. A.M. cloudy & cool. There has been hail Someplace, which has cooled the air. 1¼. P.M. large numbers attended church to day, not very well
JULY 13.
Lancaster O. Monday 7 ½. A.M. cool and cloudy. 10. A.M. all of the Millitia called out to report at Columbus O. a great many Butternuts are Showing their weak Knees. one man was butted when he was young, by a Sheep. he cant ^’go’
Lancaster O. Tuesday. 8. A.M. Raining pretty hard, the Millitia leave to day for Columbus O. Morgan in Ohio, tearing up Rail Roads. 4. P.M. the Millitia Just leaft on three Canal Boats. a large number goes tomorrow.
Lancaster, O. Wednesday 7. A.M. clear and warm I intend going to Columbus with the Millitia to day. 3 ½. P.M. Sheriff Miller, John Rudolph, Henry Crammer, Charley Rainy & myself start ^ ‘for Columbus.’
JULY 16.
Columbus O. Thursday. 8 ½ A.M. warm and clear. Millitia, in evry direction you may look. The Gov. discharging half of all that have reported. twelve thousand reported up to this time. Staid all night with Ed Farmingham
Lancaster O. Friday 9. A.M. clear and cool. arrived here last night. Just received the news that Morgan (the Reble) has burnt the Hotel, I kept in Waverly, with a number of other Houses, this is a great loss there
Lancaster O. Saturday 8 ½ A.M. warm & clear. A few Cavalry here watching for Morgan. 5. P.M. quite a muss between Some Butternuts and Some of the Cavalry one Cavalry man cut with a Knife
JULY 19.
Lancaster O. Sunday. 8 1/2 . A.M. clear and warm. all of the Cavalry left last night. went in the direction of Marietta. it is reported that John Morgan will be there to day. Militia is moving on him from all of Southern Ohio.
Lancaster O. Monday 9. A.M. cloudy & cool. Morgan defeated in an attempt to cross the Ohio River, at Buffington Island. 150 Killed 1000. taken Prisoners. Capt. C. H. Heed. left Columbus for Cleaveland O last Saturday
Lancaster O. Tuesday 7 ½ A.M. cool and cloudy. Militia, all returning home to day. 8. P.M. Dispatch Just come Stating John Morgan’s whole force has been captured him also
JULY 22.
Lancaster O. Wednesday 8 1/2 . A.M. clear and cool. everybody excited over the capture of John Morgans forces. 10. A.M. the reported capture of John Morgan was premature. he is at large with between ten and twelve hundred men.
Lancaster O. Thursday 8 ½.A.M. warm and clear. The Millitia, had all the Roads. Picketed last night about four hundred was encamped at the fair grounds. all Business is Suspended for the present. everybody laboring under excitem ^’ent’
Lancaster O. Friday. 9.A.M. clear and very warm. Business resumed again. A Democratic meeting here to day. 2 ¾. P.M. Some fighting on the Streets between some union men and Butternuts.
JULY 25.
Lancaster O. Saturday. 8.A.M. warm and Raining. Morgan reported tearing up the Central O. Rail Road. was Just enformed that Col. Jno. T. Toland, 34th O.V.I. was killed, at Wytheville Va. I am very Sorry for this he was a good and brave Soldier
Lancaster O. Sunday. 9.A.M. cool and cloudy. Col Powell, 2nd Virginia Cavalry, another Brave Officer, was wounded at Wytheville Va. while destroying the Va. & ten. R.R. Such men is a big loss to the Government. 3 ½. P.M. nothing from Morgans forces to Day
Lancaster O. Monday. 8 ½.A.M. clear and cool. A Dispatch came last night that Morgan & all of his force had been captured, in Columbiania County. I heard from my former Co. at Gauley Bridge.
JULY 28.
Lancaster O. Tuesday. 9.A.M. warm and clear. a few Cavalry here on their Road home, from the Morgan chase. 1 ½.P.M. Morgan’s capture is confirmed. he passed through Columbus O. yesterday. 8 ½.P.M. quite a demonstration over ^ ‘his Capture.’
Lancaster O. Wednesday 7.A.M. cloudy & pleasant. a Splendid market this morning. a large quantity of Berries. Selling at from Six to ten cents for quart. 11 ½. no war news of Importance to Day.
Lancaster O. Thursday. 8 ½.A.M. clear and warm. two of Gen. Morgan’s (Rebel) Officers were Captured in this County yesterday, and brought here last night and put in Jail.
JULY 31.
Lancaster O. Friday 6 ½.A.M. Cloudy & Raining – Gen. Morgan’s two Officers, Capt Logan, and Lt. Rhea, were taken to Columbus O. on yesterday Afternoon. they belong to the (3rd ) Kentucky (Rebel) Cavalry. There is a few of Morgan’s men Scattered around in the lower part of the State. They will all be picked up yet. I See by the Cincinnati Papers, that the 91st Regt. O.V.I. were after Morgan. should of liked to of been with them. I Shall probably go to Columbus O. tomorrow, with Sherriff James Miller. 1 ½. P.M. a pleasant Shower is a falling. the crops need it, very badly. 10.P.M. Raining it has been Showery all Day.
Lancaster O. Saturday 6.A.M. warm and cloudy. met Judge Whitman, of Cincinnati O. this morning in market. he was formally Judge of the County Court, of this county. no war news of Importance to day. 7.P.M. extremely hot.
Lancaster O. Sunday. 9.A.M. clear and hot. I will go to Cincinnati instead of Columbus, with Sherriff Miller. he is going with a lot of Government
Horses. 3.P.M. an extremely hot day. the hottest of the Seas ^’on’
Lancaster O. Monday. 7 ½.A.M. warm and cloudy. a great amount of Sickness prevailing through out the Country. will Start this evening at 7 oclock for Cincinnati O.
Cincinnati O. Tuesday 9. A.M. clear and warm. Just arrived here from Lancaster O. took Breakfast at Morrow. find quite a number of persons here I know. a Splendid market here this morning in fifth street market Space.
Cincinnati O. Wednesday. 7.A.M. warm and cloudy. am Stoping at the Dennison, house, a pretty good House. 11 ½ A.M. Raining. it is very warm now a very large number of Horses, have been brought here. the market is overstocked
Cincinnati O. Thursday. 6 ½.A.M. cloudy and warm. new recruits coming in. 10.A.M. This day is principally observed here. it is being Set apart by the President as a day of Thanksgiving for our victories.
Cincinnati O. Friday 8.A.M. warm and Sultry. Sheriff Miller, will have his Horses Inspected this morning. Met Lt. Burbage, of the 91st Regt O.V.I. on his road home recruiting. will Start for Home tomorrow, in the Evening
Cincinnati O. Saturday 7.A.M. warm and cloudy, looks like Rain. 9.A.M.
getting Still warmer. I am not very well. have Some Fever. Shall go to my Room and lay down. 3 ½. P.M. will leave at 4 P.M. for Home fell better.
Lancaster O. Sunday. 9.A.M. clear and warm. reached here at 5 ½.A.M. had my Coat Stole, at Washington, last Night. Some Important papers were in it, & my Commission
Lancaster O. Monday 10 ¼. A.M. cloudy and warm. I have written to the Sheriff of Fayette Co. about my Coat. advertised in Cinti Commercial, the Theif. have written to Head Quarters, for Duplicates, to all of my Papers.
Lancaster O. Tuesday. 9.A.M. very warm & cloudy, am not well this morning. no Heves, but very weak. I think I have got the Fever broke. was attended by Dr. O. E. Davis, the best Phycian, in this County.
Lancaster O. Wednesday. 10 ½. A.M. warm and clear. no heves at all. am Some Stronger. 3.P.M. received a Letter from Col C. B. White, Stating I was not preasent when Col. Turley made his Station^’ends’
Lancaster O. Thursday, 9.A.M. warm & Sultry: Some rain last night. I have heard nothing from my coat and my Papers, that was Stole. am recovering fast from my Sickness. I received a Letter from Lt Heed
Lancaster O. Friday. 8 ½.A.M. cloudy and warm. met Capt I. C. Hendly, this morning. Made arrangements to Send Lt. C. W. Heed a Brother of mine, a Sword from Columbus. he is at Cleaveland O. belongs to the 129th Regt O.V.I. Cp D.
Lancaster O. Saturday 7.A.M. clear and cool. met Capt. I. W. Stinchcomb of the 17th O.V. I. looking well he is a noble hearted man and a man I like. He is frank, and Honest.
Lancaster O. Sunday. 9.A.M. clear and warm. Yesterday evening I received my Original Discharge from the War Department, with which to draw my Pay. will go to Cincinnati as Soon as I get my certificates. will take my wife along