[from the diary of Daniel D. Logan, younger brother of General Thomas M. Logan, formerly a Sgt, Co. B, 1st Special Battalion (Rightor’s), now with the Hampton Legion]
May 31st
Saturday – ^ June 1st 1862
After Breakfast went over to Mrs Taylor’s
Capt. Harrison very ill today – Heard
heavy firing this morning but could not
leave on a/c of Capt H’s sickness – Went into
town Early this afternoon on Fanny &
learned that they had been fighting all
day – Longstreet’s division attacked the
Enemy this morning in their camps this
side of the Chickahominy River on the
Wmsb’g road & drove them beyond the
nine (9) mile road – Captured abt 250
prisoners. Hamptons Brigade is said
to have gone into the fight abt an
hour before dark –Mullie is much disa-
-ppointed at not being in the fight with
his Co. as well as myself – we did not
Know that there had been anything but slight
skirmishing until too late to go out – Did not
return until one o’c tonight, I was over at
midnight to Mrs Taylors for my rifle, blanket
[The following lines are cross-written over the above page.]
& canteen – we start at 3 o’c this tomorrow morning
for the Legion – Mr Harvey came in
at one o’c tonight & told us that there has
been a bloody fight, confirms the report that
we had driven the Enemy back – capturing
four Camps & 16 pieces of Artilery.
[transcription by Mary Roy Dawson Edwards]
MSS 6154