[from the diary of Daniel D. Logan, younger brother of General Thomas M. Logan and a Sgt., Co. B, 1st Special Battalion (Rightor’s), Louisianan Infantry]
Tuesday – April 1st 1862
Lazy again this morning – went to bed
after Reveille & slept until breakfast time –
Drilled from nine till 10 ½ o’c – Spent the
morning in building a ^ ‘rustic’ table benches &c
for mess No 3. We are camped in a thin [-]
of pine woods – plenty of wood & water. Rec’d
today from Wmsbg by Copeland letter & paper
mail – Nothing very important – Island
No 10 still holding out if the details of
the battle in Arks show a desperate odds in
our [-] of killed – fight near Winchester do [also]-
Regaled this evening by receiving a long
& sweet letter from darling Isabelle – the dear
little lady seems offended with my excluding her
unintentional unintentionally – from the
perusal of my Journal – Also a letter from
Father advising the $10 $ rec’s yesday. Am on
guard tonight for Sgt Garrett – having persua
-ded him to keep out of the night air – he
had a chill 3 days ago – Norcum sick again
today – [-] Drill this Evening
[The following is written perpendicularly across the April 1st entry.]
Set up tonight at the Guard – Read
Isabel’s letter over again. Dear child
she knows not the satisfaction her
letters afford me. Heard again
today that the Enemy are advancing
in heavy force. Heavy firing
heard tonight. Heard today
that Uncle Dan is in camp.
[Neice, Isabella Anna Logan, 1857-1863.]
[Uncle Dan, Daniel Polk Logan, 1812-aft.1880.]
[Transcription by Mary Roy Dawson Edwards, comments by Robert K. Krick]
MSS 6154