Camp Pickens, Feb 28th/62
Dear Edm.
I wrote to you a few days ago but have
received no answer. My letter may have
miscarried. I wrote to you in regard to
my boy Ned who ran off about a week
ago. I thought it probable you he might
go to Nelson which he could very well do, and
not report himself, but stay a the negro
cabins unnoticed. Tho’ I stil am under
the impression that he is near by, it
might be possible that he went home, &
I will get you to get the overssers to hunt
him up & if he be in the neighborhood
have him arrested and sent to me
immediately. He can very well elude me
here among the camps and I suffer some
inconvenience by it. If here & not in
Nelson I will soon get him as I have
advertised him & have hunters after him
Let me hear from you. No news
here–My recruiting papers have not
come from Head qrs yet, but I hope
will in a few days –& then I
shall come up. We are preparing
for active operations this Spring &
we expect hard fighting soon
Love to all Yr affec Bro
Lieut Jos C Cabell Jr
49th Va Vols
MSS 276