[from the diary of Joseph A. Waddell, civilian clerk in the Quartermaster Dept., Staunton, Va.]
Friday night, Feb. 28, 1862.
Fast Day, in accordance with pursuance of President Davis’
proclamation. A large congregation at our church
this morning. Mr. Baker + Mr. Campbell offici
ated. Mr. Junkin, of New Providence, preached
to-night, Sunday next is communion day. Frazier
came up from Richmond this evening. He says
our recent disasters have encouraged many Northern
sympathizers in Richmond + Norfolk to show them-
selves. Martial law has been declared at Norfolk +
Portsmouth, and will be at Richmond soon, perhaps.
There seems to be no doubt that our military stores
have been brought from Winchester to Strasburg. It
was reported yesterday that our troops were evac-
uating Centreville + Manassas. This is denied, but
there is probably some ground for the rumor. The papers
of yesterday stated that our loss in prisoners
at Donelson was about 7000. There is a general
feeling of distrust in the community. No volun-
teers offering in this region — noth[in]g but a draught
will bring the people out. Confidence in our leaders
is impaired.
Dr. Ebenezer Dickey Junkin, 1829-1891, served as pastor of New Providence Church, Rockbridge County, Va., for 20 years, 1860-1880
[transcription by the Valley of the Shadow]
MSS 38-258