Capt C C Cocke
Dear Sir
I write you a fiew lines
to let you no how an whare I am I am mending
but very slow I am very week so mutch so I can
hardly write I have had a rite sevear Spell of the fever
I stade at Manassas three days then I cam on to
Richmond where I stayed in the hospital nine days
My father came down to see me an with great
difaculty he got me off home I have been bad for the
last ten days
I shall bee on to join the company as soon as the Dr
thinks I am able the lord only noew when that
will bee
Yours Respectfully
John B Kidd
[The following letter was of the same date was found with the above letter]
Richmond at Hospitel
Der Sir I write you a few lines to let you her
frome me I am no better of now then I was when
I lef the Camp, John Kidd father come down en
carid him home he had Tifenid fever Openhemer
is gonne home all so if I get out of here alive it
will be the las chance the Hospital will Ever get
at me the grave an the galos or Eny place Else will have
more charmes for me then a Hospitel I woad long sence
af binn at camp if I coude af goten there the feede
us on sheep an ry coffe, if you have Eny mony
in you hands that is due me for servcis you dou me
a grate faver by sending i to me let this time
as I am aboute out I shall get oute up her as
soone as posibel yrs
Resptfaly Jon A Foster
St Charls
write to me at Hospitel to the care
of Dr Jackson in charge
MSS 640