1861 June 12 Madison C. Ho. [Virginia]

Dear Blakey

Will you do me the
favor to Examine the Gun Establishm
ents of Richmond and see if you can
get a Kentucky or Mississippi Rifle
and the price [one?] to carry about 40
or 50″ to the pound, and see what you
can get a pr of minie molds to
suit the Rifle for. please do so
tomorrow evening if you possibly can
I understand they are plentiful and
can be bot cheap.

ask some of your
platers what they will plate the
handle of a sword for. it is one
of Dick Dawsons make.

If those Rifles can be had cheap
I can sell quit[e] a number of them

if you can find one of that exact
bore. Specify the size if you can get.

Very Respectfully yours
R. A. Jackson

[the identities of Blakey and Jackson are unknown)

MSS 10911

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