I send by to-days
freight train all the troops which
were left last night for want
of transportation. I have ordered
20000 feet of lumber to be sent
forthwith to Manassas: a portion
of it goes with the troops, all of it
would go to-day if I had an
efficient quartermaster here.
I am collecting wagons, additional
lumber causing the flint-lock
guns to be refitted &c
Let me know the probable
times of your return to this
With high respect
your obt svt.
James L. Kemper
Col. Comndg
Col. P. St. Geo Cocke
James L. Kemper, 1823-1895, later led one of the brigades in Pickett’s charge in which he was severely wounded. He was captured on the field, rescued, captured again and finally exchanged but his injuries prevented him from taking the field again. After the war he was elected Governor of Virginia.
MSS 640