My dear General
Allow an old friend of
your self and yours to introduce to you
kindly regards John H. Mc Cue Esq formerly
of Staunton but now of Nelson County –
Mr. Mc Cue is a gentleman of very
high character, of sterling integrity, & of unflinching
firmness and courage: and is ardently anxious
to serve his native State in some military
post – He has not had a military education
; being a lawyer by profession; but I am sure
animated by the fearless spirit of a true Virginian
, he would discharge his duties with discretion
and with intrepid valour. I know not whether
any post at your disposal would be suitable for
him: I write this letter chiefly, that he may be
enabled to refer to you in case of need: and I can
assure you that you may endorse him as a
gentleman, a man of honor and intellect, and of
fine chivalric courage –
None rejoice more than myself that Virginia’s
honor and safety are, in a great measure, con-
fided to your keeping: May God guide and
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protect you and enable you to achieve victory and
peace! Your friend
Hugh W. Sheffey
Major Gen R. E. Lee
MSS 4406